Sandbox Franklin

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Titmar, May 18, 2009.

  1. Yeti

    Yeti Ancient
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    Well, I must say that this is an excellent map. It has the right amount of open-ness, height, and close-quarters areas, and all of those aspects just really balance out each other.

    I can tell you added the Warthog just for some laughs, but I think this map wouldn't be the same without it. It's still a power weapons that shouldn't be taken lightly, and it serves it's purpose - especially when you splatter someone while going off of the Mancannon. :p

    The aesthetics are really pleasing. I like how you just didn't use the same old stone structures that riddle the Sandbox object palette. Some may say that Wooden Bridges don't really fit with the rest of the style, but you actually made it look really good. For that, I give you props.

    As for the gameplay, I am unsure of it at the moment, as I have not played a decent Slayer match on it. This map is just one of those maps where you can just tell which spots will get the most traffic, which spots are good to hold off, and where the points of interest are. I'm really not feeling the route you have to take to get the Sniper Rifle, but I guess you were going for a "risk vs. reward" type of deal. This map is an example of really good forging and planning, and of course it should be expected by someone of Premium Status.

    I would really like to get a game going on this with some buddies soon, but until then, this post will have to do.

    I will give this map a 4.5/5. .5 points deducted because of the crazy jumps you have to take to get the Sniper. :p
    #21 Yeti, May 20, 2009
    Last edited: May 20, 2009
  2. xX WormBoy Xx

    xX WormBoy Xx Ancient
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    Great asthetics, seems very fun for a 3v3

    Franklin is the small town i live in. It is in Wisconsin.

    That's why this post caught my attention
  3. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    Its amazing that you have that much to say about a map you havent even played... ;)

    Yea, the snipe is a risk/reward situation indeed, but once you have a feel of that area, it only takes a couple jumps to get to it. Its actually not difficult at all. Its more of a pain dropping into the tube to get camo than it is to grab snipe.

    I fiddled with that area a lot during the creation but in the end decided to keep it as it is the way you see now.

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