Conquest Map (Acquisition) Idea

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by WBecci, May 20, 2009.

  1. WBecci

    WBecci Ancient
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    Ok, first off so there's no confusion, I am new to FH, and this is my first official thread. :embarassed:

    I am in the planning stages of the first map I feel like putting enough effort in to post, but before I begin the acutal forging, and invest my time into this map, I wanted the approval of the FH community, so I know it won't fail.

    Here is the idea: A conquest map that instead of being a single level where players rush down a single hall, they battle up/downwards fighting their way from one level to the next (unfortunately all of my plannings are drawn by hand, and I do not have a scanner w/ pictures to explain this better). I plan on having 5 levels, each being its own territory.

    After reading "The Book of Conquest" and pretty much every other Conquest guide I could find there are several Con's with a map of this style, and I have ideas on how to fix most of them to make smooth transitions from level to level, all I need now is feedback from you guys!!

    Thanks, WBecci (GT: SC1 Overkill) :v:
  2. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Go for it. You've read everything out there, so there's no more obvious advice to be shared.
  3. Duckman620

    Duckman620 Ancient
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    sounds like a good idea i myself was just thinkin of having a verticle map for conquest but i dont have my xbox currently so i cant work on mine. but yeah you shold deffinantley invest your time into this map. if you pull it off itll be awsome. good luck:)
  4. TwistedLife

    TwistedLife Ancient
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    That would be cool. It depends though if you are moving downward or upward. If you are going upward I would make a elevator thing which could be cool and also make some extra stairs.
  5. WBecci

    WBecci Ancient
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    Well you're going both ways, One team starts on the bottom and one on the top, Territory 3 will be on floor 3 and teams will fight their ways either up or down.

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