If you've ever played Hamster Crack (or any spin-offs, now called Hammer-On), you'll know what this map is all about. Basically, I wanted to make a map specially made for Hammer-On, so I made Hammerena (100% going to change the name, makes me think of ballerinas): So I need some people to check this map out (paired with Hammer-On, of course), play a few rounds (4-8 people is recommended), and send some feedback on what needs improvements, etc. Hammer-On Variant Hammerena Map Oh yeah, and one last thing, name suggestions. - Thanks
Hmm, good idea man. Havnt really seen any Hammer maps. Interlocking looks pretty nice, and the layout is simple and fun from what I can see. Looks like a fun place to warm up, and wait for friends before going into MatchMaking! Keep on Forging mate.
If you want your map tested you may want to try posting in the testers guild under the TRC catagory on the main forums page. Although I'm not sure this would be there fortee. Worth a shot though. The map looks very smooth an well forged and I think the centerpiece with the platforms would work great with a hammer game. You could use the name "The Temple of Thor" or "Hammer Heights"
sorry, that's already a name of an achievement. back on topic, this looks like a nice arena-map, and could be used for other games as well (like swords) I won't give a true rating, because i've already got a map like this and i won't DL, but from the pics looks like a 4/5 for the idea you're going for.
Originality - Definitely don't see very many Slayer games using hammers anymore... then again, I don't touch slayer games. Map looks like a temple/shrine of some sort. Looks decent enough and not really something I've seen before. Bravo. Aesthetics - Pieces are placed with care. Don't see any interlocking at all. I actually took the time to download the map to see if this could be converted to infection. Layout is pleasing. A little puzzled about a few things, though. Game play - I admittedly haven't played the game. Like I said, I don't like slayer anymore and just wanted to see the map. Looks like it could be interesting, though. Improvements - Okay... where to begin. 1.) Mancannon by the skybubble teleporter... wtf is it there for? I saw no spawn points there, unless it was a slayer specific starting spawn point. If so, I apologize... but see no reason why that one thing is completely set off to the side from the rest. 2.) You have those wide ramps surrounding your pit in the middle and have small corners at the corners, just placed there. I think you should interlock those with the wide ramps and hopefully get rid of that triangle gap there. 3.) I like how those long wedges look, but think you could have either placed those pieces better or interlocked them to make it smoother. the long wedges placed flat on top of the flat blocks may look better if were a little higher so you can run smoothly to the double blocks. The long wedges leaning against the flat blocks should probably be interlocked with the other long wedges on top to make it look like one smooth ramp. 4.) Kill balls make annoying sounds. Other than those few suggestions, nice work. As for the tester's guild, try submitting your map for their date set this weekend. It appears they have players already set up, just need maps to test. Possible map names : Hammerers Guild or Thors Shrine/Shrine of Thor... that's if you're keeping with it being a Hammer based map.
This map is temple like and sort of reminds me of super smash bros. because of the platforms. 4/5: Needs more variation then what it has.
1.) The teleporter's there because there was a spawning issue when I was building it where you would spawn right in that area. I've since then fixed it, but sometimes it happens to me in Forge. 2/3.) I've just been using bare bones Forging techniques, so I don't really know how to interlock. I'm looking at some tutorials, though. 4.) Annoying sound or not, kill-balls make for some great moments from what I've played so far.