Sandbox IZ9 Courtyard

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by oltranzista, May 19, 2009.

  1. oltranzista

    oltranzista Ancient
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    IZ9 Courtyard V2

    I think I made enough revisions to this map to call it a "V2".

    June 2 2009 Update
    Added second receiver teleporter to top of center tower.

    I think this will help on oddball games where people tend to camp and take advantage of areas of a map that are a little harder to reach.
    June 1 2009 Update
    The new version is available here: IZ9 Courtyard

    I revamped some of the KOTH hills, spawns, and turned 2 of the 3 teleporters to gravlifts.

    I just got some new play tests done and loaded onto YouTube. I think videos are the best way to view a map other than downloading it yourself so here they are:

    IZ9 Courtyard - Sword Ballet (I added a song to this one just for grins, the others have in-game audio)
    YouTube - IZ9 Courtyard - Sword Ballet

    IZ9 Courtyard - Capture The Flag
    YouTube - IZ9 Courtyard - Capture The Flag

    IZ9 Courtyard - Team KOTH
    YouTube - IZ9 Courtyard - Team KOTH

    IZ9 Courtyard - Oddball FFA
    YouTube - IZ9 Courtyard - Oddball FFA

    IZ9 Courtyard - Team Slayer BRs
    YouTube - IZ9 Courtyard - Team Slayer BRs

    Original post:

    I just posted this map to Atlas, thought I would post it here too:

    Map Title:

    IZ9 Courtyard

    Map Description (As seen in map browser):
    IZ9 Courtyard, celebrate your special day at Area IZ9's most sought after wedding venue! 6-12 players







    By oltranzista at 2009-05-20

    By oltranzista at 2009-05-20


    By oltranzista at 2009-05-20




    About Your Map
    1. Write a brief, one paragraph "elevator pitch" for the map. Include primary features of the map, weapon load-out, whatever you think will "sell" the map.

    primary features
    The main focus of this map was to include multi-level action along with close and medium range combat.

    I also worked hard on the aesthetics of the map. I tried to make the architecture believable, so I searched the internet for ancient temples and ruins for inspiration.

    weapon load-out
    - Battle Rifle x 10
    - Brute Shot x 4
    - Covenant Carbine x 2
    - Energy Sword x 1
    - Needler x 2
    - Plasma Rifle x 2
    - Rocket Launcher x 2 (each only have 1 clip)
    - Shotgun x 2
    - Sniper Rifle x 2
    - Spiker x 2

    - Frag Grenades x 4
    - Plasma Grenades x 4

    - Bubble Shield x 2
    - Energy Drain x 2
    - Regenerator x 2

    2. Is your map symmetrical or asymmetrical?

    3. How many players best suit your map? Can it support players below or above your ideal player count?
    8 Players, yes it can support more players. I haven't play tested with less than 7 players though.

    4. Does your map have vehicles? What purpose do the vehicles serve? Can it sustain vehicles?
    This map does not have vehicles. Although it wasn't designed with vehicles in mind it could probably sustain warthogs and smaller vehicles.

    5. Does your map have teleporters? What purpose do the teleporters serve?
    UPDATE: It now only has one teleporter that leads to the top level of the center tower. The other two that lead to the upper catwalks were replaced by gravlifts.

    6. What standard gametypes (Slayer, CTF, Oddball, King, Assault, VIP, Juggernaut, Territories, Infection) are supported by your map? Which work best? Which gametypes are not supported, or do not work best?

    What standard gametypes supported? All

    Which work best? Slayer, CTF multi-flag, King. I also think Territories would work well but I haven't play tested it yet.

    Which gametypes do not work best? I think Infection and VIP wouldn't be that great.

    7. What non-standard gametypes (Swords, SWAT, Rocket Race, gametypes you have made specifically for your map) might you recommend for your map variant? Provide links if possible/applicable.
    I think Rockets or Swords would work great.

    Playtest films:
    Team Slayer 5v5
    Crazy KOTH 10 Player FFA
    CTF Multi-Flag 5v5
    Note: By mistake I placed the Attackers (blue team) spawn start and objectives at the red base and vice versa with the Defenders. This doesn't impact the gameplay and has since been fixed across all applicable gametypes.

    Just for the heck of it film clip:
    Rockets 7 Player FFA

    Link to Map in File Share:
    IZ9 Courtyard
    #1 oltranzista, May 19, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2009
  2. MavRen Ra

    MavRen Ra Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It is not a matter of time you need to look at the pics.

  3. Krazy Kumquat

    Krazy Kumquat Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Just copy and paste those where you want them. The scenary pictures are all in order the way you posted them, but for some reason the site didn't have all of your action shots. I just added the one you had, so you may want to you Image Shack or Photo Bucket to host the others.

    Next time just go to Halo Screen Shots, type in your Gamer Tag and it should have pretty much every picture you've taken. Just click on the thumbnail, highlight the "direct link" URL below the picture, and put it in between
    [img] [/img]
    and it should work then
  4. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    No more comments about the screen shots - they will be dealt with as spam.

    oltranzista, fix your post within 24 hours or it will be locked. There's plenty of resources here to find out how. You can edit your post with the edit button.
  5. oltranzista

    oltranzista Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the help. I couldn't figure out this. Do I just make a post on the bungie forums about the map, is there some way to load the map onto forum posts at bungie for download or something?

  6. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
    Senior Member

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    No, you have it right. That's how to link a map. That line is only telling people not to just link to their whole file share.

    Welcome to Forge Hub, by the way, and that map looks really great!!
  7. regulargonzales

    regulargonzales Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Great map indeed. I really like the look of throughout the map. I haven't played it yet but I expect it will play very well 4v4, 5v5 or even 6v6 on CTF, bomb or slayer, primarily. I imagine other gametypes will work well too.

    I did make some amendments to the weapons though, for when I get around to playing it with friends.

    I have removed all teleporters. Replaced the ones nearest the base with grav lifts. I removed the snipers from the bases, replaced them with carbines and have included a sniper in the middle of the map instead where the teleporter was. I also removed the shotguns and replaced them with maulers. The overshield is now in the middle instead of off-centre. I also removed the brute shots nearest the bases and replaced them with dual SMGs, as there are brute shots elsewhere on the map.

    Alternatively I would have the snipers where the rockets are, and have one rocket in the bottom mid area.
  8. oltranzista

    oltranzista Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the feedback regulargonzales.

    Yesterday I removed two of the teleporters, the ones closest to the bases and then replaced them with gravlifts too. Here is a screen of what I did. I'm curious, where did you place the gravlifts?

    oltranzista at 2009-05-20
  9. regulargonzales

    regulargonzales Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I think I just placed the lifts where the teleporters were. But it looks like you have put them in a new interesting position. Have you got a new download?
  10. oltranzista

    oltranzista Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yes, I updated the download link to point to the new map. : Halo 3 File Details

    The new locations should provide better balance too since they are now closer to the 3rd and 4th team start spawns.
  11. oltranzista

    oltranzista Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I revamped some KOTH hills, spawns, and replaced 2 teleporters with gravlifts on the map. I also added some totally sweet YouTube play test vids, heh!

    Added second receiver teleporter to top of center tower.
    Link to updated map (also updated the links in original post):
    IZ9 Courtyard
    #11 oltranzista, Jun 1, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2009

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