Multiplex Multiplex is a symmetric map compatible with Slayer, CTF, Assault, Oddball, King of the Hill, and Infection Weapons List Assault Rifle x2 Battle Rifle x8 Sniper Rifle x2 Shotgun x2 SMG x8 Needler x2 Carbine x2 Brute Shot x2 Spartan Laser x1 Energy Sword x1 Mauler x1 Transprt Hornet x2 Frag Grenade x8 Plasma Grenade x10 Bubble Shield x2 Here is an under view of the map This is the Red Base This is the Blue Base Here is where you spawn (For most Two-Team Gametypes T This is inside the blue base (Notice the Mancannon in the corner. It takes you to the top of the base) Here is where the Spartan Laser spawns This is were the Sword spawns (Right in the middle of the tunnel) Here is an alternate way up the base Download Multiplex *Any Constructive criticism is welcome*
The layout looks amazing but.............. It looks like you need to interlock way more Edit: ok played this map and it is way smoother than it looks. I enjoyed playing this map great job!
Please, just no. I see sufficient work without the presence of merged objects. If you need to correct him, show him where.
This really isn't much of a review at all, and is actually spam. Plus you don't need to interlock any more than what is necessary. In the lazy gamers contest, all of the maps were built without interlocking, and many were actually really good. As long as the gameplay is smooth, the only other reason to interlock would be for aesthetics. Overall, the map is about above average just because there really isn't much that stands out. I'm not a real fan of tunnels that much, but you made it really work by being able to go above and below. I do think that it would be way too easy to fall off the tubes and there isn't enough cover to make it play that well. If you made a v2 with more cover on the tubes, it would make it a whole lot better. The upper bridge looks good, but it probably should be able to access the top of the tubes. Overall, a 3.6/5...a v2 would make this map a whole lot better PS there's no point in writing a crappy review just to boost the # of posts u have
Hmm this looks pretty interesting. From what I can see, you can either take the tunnels and sword, the exposed higher walkway and splazer, or take the hornet directly over. Interesting... this is a map that can uses competitive games and infection, well done. My only really concern is with the 8 needlers. I mean seriously? Anyway this map looks like it could get in to matchmaking, (join ATLAS and see if you can) keep up the great forging!
I actually really like this map. the only thing i would suggest is that you need a way to mark the Tunnels, otherwise people can get confused or lost. Maybe you can have them not all be connected. Like removed a couple tunnels and put walls as the floor where that tunnel was, with some railings. That way it isn't so confined and you can tell where you are. That or use Wall, Slits to tell where you are. also, how do the hornets work? are they too easy for objective games?? And 8 needlers is wayy too much But other than those statements, Great map! PS: You do NOT need any more interlocking. Only interlock if it will help gameplay, or you are super concerned with aesthtics.
...does any one see that? its a **** sign, lol. but for real this map is so cool. i love the bases but i think the center area needs work. noth that clever for the center area, but the rest of the map is real nice.
Well, I dont know about you, but i hate when grenades get stuck between blocks. Or if you are building a map thats going to play ball, its horrible when the ball fall between then. So, I do think that interlock makes the gameplay better. I would interlock at least the double blocks on the map, but just that. The layout is cool, but a little bit simple, I dont know how it would play. For gametypes like Multiflag seem very good. Whats the best gametype for the map in your opinion?
The only thing i see that may be a problem is the over powering in somethings....Sure each team has a hornet but there is one splazer and some stickies. Maybe add a plasma pistol or an energy drainer to even out the hornet play. But then again I havn't played the map yet and and don't know how over powering the hornets are.
The layout is a good idea, and a great start. Interlocking wasnt needed here. I'm not ranting, just trying to help. The sword is in the tunnels, which is basically the only way from base to base? (Only saying that, sword would be too over powering in such a small section of tunnels.) An the laser is placed outside on top, where both vehicles can easily take a few kills. (Too hard to get, So that would push alot of fighting to the tunnels. Which would be complete havoc if theres a party of 12+ people.) If you make a V2, I highly suggest more tunnel ways, sense that what your going for I geuss. And to please some of the nancy people of the community, just a tad of interlocking would do. Keep on forging mate, it's a great start. : )
Dude don't be a hater. There's no point in interlocking if it doesn't need it. And this is great without it. Anyways, great map, 5/5. I downloaded.
Okay, You might take this harsh, but its just my opinion. This is a very bad map for objective games. The tunnels are just ridiculous. I mean tunnels can be good, but all the way across the map is a bad idea. If you die and spawn in your base, there is no way you can figure out where the other team is with your flag in that crazy maze of tunnels. There doesnt seem to be anywhere safe to spawn except for the base or the tunnels. If you do spawn in the tunnels, you will have no idea where you are ar where your enemies are. Maybe Slayer, but no objectives here guy, sorry. Also, there should be more ground between the bases, instead of one skinny path across the top and a couple of long, skinny, swurvy tunnels. Another thing, 2 snipers, 2 shottys, a sword a Laser and a mauler! Come on, did you even test this out at all? That is bad. Especially all of those close range power weapons amongst nothing but tunnels. Bad Idea. Sorry to sound harsh, but this is just my opinion, and its true. Its your map though and you can make it how you want it.
A really nice design, the bases look great and i like the layout of the upper walkway which has a nice amount of cover. From what I can see it all looks nice and smooth. I'll dl and take a closer look, 4/5 from me.
I think this looks really nice, and agree with Mr P1B I think the close range weapons should be reduced, such as 2 shotties and a sword, seeing as most of the map is mainly closed (in the tunnels). I also think the splazer should be more accessible, with a bigger walkway. Other than that, I'd have to DL and forge-through to comment more, but i can't right now. 3.5/5 Keep 'em coming, I hope to see a v2 from you R
thanks for all the suggestions im probably going to make a v2 with leses weapons and edit the tunnels a little
I really like the tunnels. But i have a feeling if i played it ide get lost pretty fast >< But i do like the use of Hornets.
This map looks really great. I like the whole zig zagy structures in the middle. I also like how each base has a hornet. The layout is very unique, and original. I think that this map could go far if it gets enough publicity.
This map looks pretty interesting but the hornet kind of scares me. If you don't get too close with the hornet, you can only be taken down by the laser, which there is only one if. Did I miss something?
You achieved the rare accomplishment of actually balancing air units and infantry. Nice tunnel layout, good buildings, and the fact that there are at least 3 ways to get to the other base makes this map kick ass. 5/5, I'd like to see this map featured.