I believe he was talking about differences in techniques not objects which I'm sure he is well aware of. But to answer that there are few differences. Geomerging on sandbox I find easier to execute perfectly aka fewer tries since you have much more freedom when you escape the map and can brace objects from inside and outside of the map. However foundry took much less time to set up a geomerge with the use of the permeable doors. Other than that most techniques are very similar. Wow don't even go there no one is going to be paying for forge lessons. Attempts at taking advantage of people like that make me sick -7 rep. @ Payceee I'll be on this week end if you want some help PM me a time I take it you dont have memorial day off since your living in canada but I do so I could also do monday night.
Hey! Thank for the replies guys I didn't mean to come out and sound like a complete idiot, haha. I'm just so devoted to getting good at forge, that I would go "that far". Thanks for the replies though.. I think it would almost be better if I followed each tutorial 1-by-1, the best way to learn is hands onnn.. Peaceee (Help is still appreciated)
Wow. This isn't forgehub. O.O This is like he went to MB posted there then we transfered the thread over. lol