Sandbox Quantum

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by II cyanide II, May 19, 2009.

  1. II cyanide II

    II cyanide II Ancient
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    Created by HLOMAD2

    Recommended gametypes: Slayer, CTF, Assault, Anything team based.
    Recommended Players: 6-12

    Quantum is purely designed for team based games with a base for attackers and defenders, 2 small snipe towers :)stumps:) rockets spawn middle, a power drain lower down to counter any camping snipers and many br's because...I just really like br's!

    Weapon list
    2x Sniper - 2 spare clips - 180 second respawn
    1x Sword - N/A - 120 second respawn
    1x Rockets - 1 spare clip - 120 second respawn
    8x BR's - 2 spare clips - range from 30 - 45 seconds respawn

    Equipment list
    1x Powerdrain - N/A - 90 second respawn

    Overview pic

    Other side


    I am perticularly fond of this bit because it stops enemies
    mindlessly charging for rockets and can be used to stop campers hiding round the corner!

    Side view!

    A different side view!
    Action shots
    Chaos theory minus the theory!

    A better idea of the middle

    Yay at last a view of my treasured snipe tower, stump!


    Download link

    Conclusion and coments
    Quantum is my first posted map and I had a few problems with making it. to make in three times because the map deleated itself, base vanished and then made it and found a friend deleted all starting spawns and I had run out of objects! I thourorly enjoyed making it (three times!) I also like making maps aesthetically pleasing however i ran out of money on this and could not afford...well anything such as lights but in my opinion the gameplay is the most important thing. Please give me constructive critacism so i can make it better and learn from my mistakes. And this is my first posted map so go easy on me!

    #1 II cyanide II, May 19, 2009
    Last edited: May 19, 2009

    II ELITE II Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice to see you finally got it posted! I was lucky enough to be able to jump in a few times while you were forging as well as being there for both the tests. I really enjoyed the testing even though I spent most of one of the slayer games on -1. Just the one thing I would change would be the block just outside the base on the sword side where there is a gap that you can fall down. Other than that I really enjoyed being involved in the testing. A great design 4.5/5 from me and a dl.

  3. II cyanide II

    II cyanide II Ancient
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    So what should I improve? design of the bases, neatness,general forging?
  4. Gun Down

    Gun Down Ancient
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    Great map. It seems to be for squads. I like what you did with the tin cup tower things, very original. You should add more weapons but not as many power weapons.
  5. II cyanide II

    II cyanide II Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah i tried but ran out of money!
  6. PhantomBishop

    PhantomBishop Ancient
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    I think you should merge some of the floor peices together because after playing on it i found that i got stuck quite a lot. All in all great map though.
  7. nuvnuv123

    nuvnuv123 Ancient
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    I really liked this map. But while playing some mlg ffa with my friends on this, they grenade, jumped the walls. I suggest putting 2 walls on top of each other next time. But that may be a problem because of the budget...
  8. II cyanide II

    II cyanide II Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the input this is what I really need i'll see if i can squeeze some more walls out of it!
  9. II cyanide II

    II cyanide II Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the feedback, i'll merge them together, I thaught that mering them would skrew up the size and proportions but I guess now that its finished being made all i can do is test out and improve. Thanks! XD

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