ok well ive been searching for allot of remakes, and there quite good (especially the Lockout one) but mostly people only spend an hour or two putting them together. Now when i make a map il spend roughly 20-40 hours on it (on average) making it perfect, but right now im getting back into forging and i could use a partner to give me a hand making a few remakes. was thinking of making either Sanctuary or Beaver Creek but im open to remake anything that seems possible. (P.S i want to make these maps on Sandbox) Heres some of my work (so you can see im not a bad forger and just want someone to do all the work for me) Heres the Link to the Map if you want more Pictures/Download it. Helms Deep and heres a picture of a Midship remake i was working on but it didnt finish to well because i ran out of pieces and hit the object limit. If you want to help me on my next remake just post here and put a link or picture of your best map(s), because i want these remakes to be 100% perfect because Bungie wont be remaking them so we have to make them look as if they did.
I'll partner up, add my gt Xylom. I already have an idea for a competitive map we can do. I'll show you it and we can bounce ideas of each other. Edit: I'm glad he said he didn't want me to do all the work. Also if he hadn't posted some pictures this probably would have been just another thread to me.
OK, if you want help, don't say you just want somebody to do all the work for you (I guess you accidently put that there). **EDIT** Actually I suppose if you read it as a whole sentence you can take it the way that I guess you mean, which should be 'so you can see that I don't want you to do all the work for me).
I thought the point of this was to both work on the map at the same time so we could bounce ideas of each other and help place things perfectly, not to just both have our names in the credits. If I were going to be a part of this, we would only work on it when we were both online. (Not a problem I'm on quite a bit, don't know about you.)
yeah, but i dont mind working on something hard that takes a few hours (like a geo or something) while your offline. im on quite allot, most days of the week for a gd few hours a day. il send u a fr ina bit an weel talk about it