His Fileshare Lol he has atleast three easily stolen maps, and porbably more. Highway B by Miniwaz He has a stolen (but not by him) version of Bam's Quantum And Record Ramp which says he accidently saved it lol... and probably more, and funny how s2p Jontan or w/e it says he helped make it in the description then he commented on it like he just played it and he is blown away by thumbtacks amazing skill.
ROFL! This guy is such a fail! Also look at the date HE posted it, and when Dev did. Yeah, I tagged, he'll have the forgehub community beakin' on him.
Yeah, we have actually just gone out and beaten someone up in a way lol. Except as usual I'm currently banned from b.net (I'll be unbanned in an hour or so, so I'll report then). So I'll beat him up later. A PM to Foman will have to do for now. Just gonna delete the post before this one...
Update: So the guy who accused me of stealing his friend's map sent me an apology, he was pretty much crying. Silver also removed the map from his fileshare, but worry not, I copied it to mine before he did, because he's a predictable little kid. On a side note though, you guys mentioned there were other stolen maps in his Fileshare... Can we get Urk in on this action? I don't want anyone else to have the same problem with all of their hard work being stolen by this guy.
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I remember when me and Dom hunted down that one kid stealing like 8 different maps. It was quite laborious on my part; I had to take comparison pics.
Lol Novak. Also, his map "Elevation" is NOT mine, nor would I want to take credit for it, it's awful. The elevator dorsn't even work.
Haha yea I looked at it. The there's like 12 fusion coils set up in this weird pattern to make people think he has everything set up so it works. You should probably think harder then.
The community? yes. I love how this turned out so well. Forgehub on the whole? I'm still waiting for the time when I can get through the new maps without running into those that something went wrong with the posting. Other than that, nice work.
Update v2. Silverthumbtacks fileshare has been stripped of all the stolen maps and stuff that he had. It's pretty much empty at this point.