Sandbox Zero Hour

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by J Unit8700, May 18, 2009.

  1. J Unit8700

    J Unit8700 Ancient
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    My first ever sandbox map with space ships above though not accessible unless you want to do something about that they're more decorative. there's the mid section containing the 2 main bases castle walls and pyramid, then there's the temple which underneath leads to the "basement" area where there's 2 bases each with there own "High Point" or sniper nest if you will. hope you enjoy and please leave comments i'm not that great at forge and help in any form is appreciated.

    overview of mid section bases and temple

    base 1 "castle walls"

    base 2 "pyramid"


    underground base 1 red

    underground base 2 blue

    underground high point 1 red

    underground high point 2 blue

    view of the sky from the ground

    Sky view of the main ship under fire

    minor ship to the right being hit and exploding

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  2. Fousu

    Fousu Ancient
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    Well I see there's more than two bases, would that be because there's more than two teams in the gametype it's supposed to be with? Other than that, the bases look very well designed, although the ones in the "basement" are a bit sloppy. Maybe you could incorporate some traits for each of the bases and just make a 2-base map, which most of the time seems to work better.

    Also, great aesthetics in the skybubble. I like how you used killballs to make it look like explosions.
  3. meepmaster

    meepmaster Ancient
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    i played this map really quick for a 4v4 match, i realize the map is made for more people, but i do have some tips: 1. make the middle a little less open with a bit more cover (if budget allows) 2. fix up the tele system to make it easier to traverse between the 3 levels 3. maybe dont even include the basement, we rarely went down there and it was kinda pointless

    however, we all loved the skybubble aesthetics, one of the best uses of a killball i've seen yet and the space ship was well made

    overall, we had a good time and this map gets a 3.5/5
  4. J Unit8700

    J Unit8700 Ancient
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    thanks very much guys while me and my friend were taking a once over of it we actually had the idea of scrapping the entire basement area but i decided to keep it just for the hell of it and add more middle cover like drop pods or something, but because of the budget we were limited to minimal cover
    #4 J Unit8700, May 18, 2009
    Last edited: May 18, 2009
  5. Bootsie 22

    Bootsie 22 Ancient
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    I have a couple things to say. (sorry, i think outlines organize data better ;)

    1) Correct me if your intentions were otherwise, but this looks like it should be in the competitive maps section. When your map is intended for the original battle gametypes, your map should go there.
    2) Mainly what the others said, you need to fill in the space unless you plan to have some intense warthog battles. However, upon inspection, I see no warthogs so we're back to filling in the space :). Your "ruble" is nice, but with a map of sandbox's size, you should probably add some more structures and/or build more onto your centerpiece.
    3) Try to avoid incorporating the 3 layers of sandbox for your gameplay. It's nice you tried, but when you try distribute your items around all three layers, your quality has a tendency to be split up as well. Think of it this way: would you rather have 2 things with 50% quality? or 1 thing with 100% quality? That sort of thinking. Aesthetics, on the other hand, are just fine for this, so I have no issue with your ships ;)
    4) Avoid thin bridges unless they are for the benefit of your game play . In the basement, I noticed that you connect many of your base features with one small bridge. This isn't a big deal, but for the record: if you game is focusing on hardcore fighting, your players aren't going to want to focus on where there walking.
    5) Be very careful with creating unsymmetrical maps. Gameplay needs to be top priority over aethectics if your unsymmetrical map is going to be played with a symmetrical gametype. I see a couple points where one team would have an advantage becasue of the map. Look at the distance from each base to the centerpiece. You'll notice the distance for the pyrimid team (after they leave their cover) to walk to the centerpiece is about half of that of the other team. Now pyrimid team can get to the centerpiece much easier. Another example is base size. Because pyrimid team has a smaller base, the enemy could harass them with ghosts as opposed to the other base which is more spread out and requires more navigation. However, I'm glad you gave a stab at this; it's not an easy area to perfect even for experienced forgers.

    By no means does all of this mean that your map is bad. I am just pointing out a lot of tid bits. You have some very nice qualities to your map. My personal favorite would have to be the battle in the sky. I would have never thought of using a kill ball as an aesthetic explosion (though now it seems like a "no duh" detail ;). Anyways, I look forward to your next map. Keep it up.
    #5 Bootsie 22, May 18, 2009
    Last edited: May 18, 2009
  6. J Unit8700

    J Unit8700 Ancient
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    wow thanks a bunch for that chunky bit of advice i'm definately revamping the map and taking out the lower part and concentrating on the mid section. basically all my problems were from the budget being maxed out but if the bottoms gone it shouldn't be a problem. so look forward to some fixes to these suggestions thnx people ;D
  7. SHAD0W F34R

    SHAD0W F34R Ancient
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    This looks like a great map to play with the space ship. A lot of what I quoted is what I have to say.

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