Blitzkrieg Blitzkrieg is a one sided objective map with differentiating symmetric features. It is set up for One Bomb, One Flag, KOTH, and Team Slayer. Please read, very important: For one sided objective: The attackers starting spawns are in the blue lobby, sitting just next to the elevator. From there, they have three choices. They can take the center in an attempt to obtain the most powerful weapon, laser but will likely die in the process. They could also go up to ghost spawn (sniper on symmetric) and try there luck rushing D-base in the ghost. There last option is taking the subtle right, it is an unnoticed ramp often taken by the stealthy attackers. After they have made there choice and strived past the center structures they will attack the D-base and plant the bomb or capture the flag. There are two entrances to the D-base, one is an obvious front entrance complete with a shield door door. The other is a secretive tunnel branching off of the D's mongoose hangar. The D-base is a large semi-circle complete with 4 story high walls and a semi-circle sniper perch built on top of the base for defense. Located next to the obelisks in the center is a radar jammer, feel free to get clever with this. For symmetric based games: The attackers spawns remain the same as well as the defenders, except this time it's a bit more important. The defenders are no longer different from the attackers and now have equal weapon spawning and base features. Here is a rundown of some important things: Each team is equipped with around seven fast respawning BRs, so BR starts are not preferred. They have one AR each and one sniper too, the attackers beloved ghost is replaced with the sniper. The plasma pistol sitting atop the obelisks is replaced by a magnum. The laser remains in the center. The shotgun is removed from the D-platform and is not replaced. No more offensive maulers either. The A-base has dual SMGs but the D has a carbine to even it up. Also, in a passageway behind the obelisks a symmetric only invisibility is placed. Symmetric slayer games are a rush for the laser, but once you get it, you are likely to be quadruple teamed and forced to give the other team the laser. The snipers will sit atop their perches throughout the game likely to receive minimal recognition but if used right can be deadly. The mongooses are placed in to spice up the gameplay and make a good, quick escape around the corners. KOTH is a fast paced, choppy game on Blitzkrieg. You rush over to the laser spawn to chill in the first hill but are quickly excavated. The next/last hill is in the obelisk spawn, you grab a goose and rush over there. You hide in the camo spawn but not for long, grenades are spammed back and the other team controls the hill now. You spawn, pick up a sniper and attack. You injure their whole team and get 4 assists. This is how KOTH plays. [I][FONT=Arial Narrow]Both sym. and asym. are best played with 4-10players max![/FONT][/I] Pics: D-lobby/start: D-base exterior: D-hangar from deck: D-deck and tubular center: For this pic- the elevated double block is the asymmetric ghost/symmetric sniper spawn, next to that is the obelisks, then is the tube center, and to the right of that is the subtle right: Here is the blue deck and to the right is the alternate spawn: Blue lobby/start with elevator in the back shaft: Overview one: Overview two: In case you missed it: Blitzkrieg HOsted bY:
Good map! Creative, original, cleanly done, and looks tough to break out of. The only thing missing? Weapon list (00ps). Otherwise, I'd DL it if I wasn't out of space. 5/5
Yeh can't break out, and if you read the text in between the neon blue it explains all the weapons, so it's similar to a weapons list except it's more explanatory. Please, read first, but thanks for the criticism.
This is a very well forged and creative map. I really liked the small shield door entrances. Though I would like to see some weapon info on the post. 4.5/5: You should spread out the weapons.
Thankyou, and there is only one shield door entrance. And also, I've said this before, read the whole post before you say something false. The beige writing in between the blue is a detailed description of all weapons.