HELP NEEDED ON STRUCTURE #6! __________________________________________________ STRUCTURE #6 __________________________________________________ Created by: Joe is Outside Recommended Gametype: Help needed Recommended number of players: 3-6 Download link (Map): Structure #6 Download link (Gametype): Help needed Map description: [Transmition«12,-08»_Forrerunner_structure#6_-We_found_something,_or_someone._[HELP needed[Position:_12,-08. Transmition LOST About my map: Structure #6 the gloomiest map never created on Halo 3. This map is really simple, this is just a camp in the midle of the crypte surrounded by darkness. Three to six players are recommended for my map but it can support players below or above my ideal player count. The standard gametypes that my map support is only Infection. I recommend especially a non-standard Gametype: Help needed. Weapons Weapons on Map x4 x1 x3 x2 x5 Equipment on Map Flare x4 Trip Mine x1 Deployable Cover x1 Power Drain x1 Radar Jammer x1 Screenshots: Over view of the camp surrounded by darkness. Use the flares as a light (very useful). Can you see his sword? You can't see them, but they can see you. Is that the shadow of a turret? Downloads: Structure #6 Help needed
I understand what you were going for here, but I don't know if you your going to get the reaction you want. See I'm sure you know, but often televisions have different default brightness settings. This is something I learned when forging on blackout in the sky. My advise to you would be to create a certain game type that gives the players over-shield so that they are illuminated, perhaps a zombie variant of some kind. Way to use the imagination though! I can see now that you have infection listed, perhaps that will work out.
Its called turning the brightness up. Anyways - for the map, it looks quite fun, I'll have to download later. The flares as lights thing is very original from what I have seen, and could effect gameplay heaps. 4/5 from the pics.
Man, I just played a quick game of this with some friends, and I have to say it was a blast. When your the humans, your get the feeling like anything is going to come at you. When your zombies, it's like "Hehe, Who am I going to get next...?" 5/5
Its a cool map, especially good for some "OH ****!" moments...if you wanted to add extra light, you could put few mongooses. When players get on them the headlights will turn on, and they go off as soon as people get off. I like the suggestion about giving the players overshields to illuminate them too.
I like it because it has never been done before. Using light as the key is brilliant. Try playing around with lights by setting "no" at start of round then giving them a few seconds to spawn/turn on. Im not sure what you could do with that but you can figure something out to improve the concept. and expirement with other stuff. Do regenerators give off light? Power drains? what about flame grenades. But most importantly forge it better. All I see is obelisks and columns in a circle. Do something interesting with it.