LABYRINTH This map is called Labyrinth. It was made by iTzxTheMetal and Wasted Lemur. The map features and array of gameplay and balance. On this map you can play Oddball, KOTH, Slayer, Assault, and CTF. the balace in the bases of the map is almost perfect with a direct run to the camo power-up. STORY The map was started by Wasted Lemur in a private session. He built most of the Attackers base which was real bland. I joined the game and we discussed the map. Later that night I built the middle structure and some of the Defenders base. He built the wall after that and we had the idea of the Defenders Sniper Tower. We built it. After many hours of forging on that corner and the wall many objects were left turned off. Bungie somehow magically decided they should be deleted because of that. We could not remake these pieces to the perfection of before so we started an older version of the map and started forging. After the wall was rebuilt I invited zombievillan into the game. He over viewed the map and suggested a new way to get to the Attackers Sniper Tower. Later we built the fencewall bridge and all was finished. We put in spawns and weapons then the map was tested. All was well. WEAPONS 8 Battle Rifles - 4 on each base - 30 - 2 Spare clips 1 Shotgun - 180 - No spare clip 1 Rocket Launcher - 180 - 1 Spare clip 2 Sniper Rifles - 180 - 1 Spare clip 2 SMG - 60 - 2 Spare clips 2 Spikers - 60 - 2 Spare clips 1 Needler - 90 - 2 Spare clips 1 Mauler - 120 - 1 Spare clip 1 Carbine - 90 - 2 Spare clips EQUIPMENT 4 Plasma Grenades 6 Frag Grenades 1 Bubble Shield - 120 1 Power Drain - 120 1 Flair - 120 1 Regenerator - 120 1 Active Camo - 180 PICTURES Attackers Base Bridge to Sniper Sniper Tower Middle Rocket Spawn Defenders Base From Sniper to Sniper Looking at the middle Sniper Spawn Other Angle Bubble Shield and Rockets Cave under Sniper GAMEPLAY Download it Here
oh yes this is very well crafted map with a nice aesthetic peak to it. wonderful geomerging, smooth interlocking, and looks great for team matches! excellent job!
Omg this amazing. The geomerging and interlocking is amazing. Looks great for different objective games and it looks pretty cool for ts. Uhhhh I think u spelled the map title wrong or I'm stupid. But it looks amazing. Great job
looks beautiful. I especially like the fence boxes that act as a wall and the limit of the map. Very nice looking, good job.
Well, wow. The name was misleading at first, I was half expecting another poorly done, overused maze style of map. Way to prove me wrong! After the first picture I knew this was something MORE! Not only that but, there is some excellent merging with smooth structures and nice aesthetics. This no doubt looks like a fun map to play. And, is that a pallet by the rocket spawn, and is it used for a tactical jump up to rockets?
This looks really good but one thing is in the picture with the ghost it looks like it might be able to be drivin. Excelent merging and smooth structures. This looks like it would be good for objecrtive games.
Nice! Very creative and looks like a great map for most playlists. yeah and btw... what is the point having the ghost there? lol
Hey, I didnt even know you posted this. Well, yes there are quite a few merges and structures that catch the eye and I really like the fence walkway that angles up to the boxes, thats really sweet. I liked team slayer on this alot, my only cocern is that you didnt put anything in that straight away against the Foundry default wall, which as I said to you before, hurts the gameplay. When one team spawns out against the other wall, its almost impossible to get over to that side in time to stop the flag or bomb carrier. Also, on that same side, you can be across the map almost at the other base and someone will spawn at the defenders base. You have a direct line of sight to spawn kill the team spawning at the defenders base if your on ground level. I know you covered up the sight line from the tower to that base, but I think its still a problem from the ground, but I dont know what you should do to block that off. One more thing, IMO, you have a little too much poer weapon placement still. I would suggest maybe taking out one of the Sniper rifles and moving the rockets there. Thats just my opinion, you guys do what you want. All in all, its not a bad map and it can be fun.
This map looks awesome i'm gonna download it and i'm gonna play all the game types.I like the way the sniper tower looks as well
i know but the snipers kinda were necessary and that straight flag run was fixed cause i fixed the flag placements but there can always be a version 2!!!!!
Metal!!!!! Its Wasted Lemur. This map has been such a success around the Xbox Live Community and here at Forgehub, not one person has said that this map was bad so far and for all of Forgehub some more great maps by me and ItzxTheMetal will be coming out soon. Some old ones made when geomerging and interlocking were pretty well known or some that just like Labryinth just were finished fresh out of the oven. And yes everything is geomerged.I love the way right at the end we added the spiral type fence wall ramp up to S3. I dont know about Metal, but send me a friend request, my gamertag is obviously Wasted Lemur just send me a message saying you are from Forgehub and i will most likely play with you if you arent a ****. Oh hey Metal I got a great MLG map idea so whenever we are on a the same time.............
I really did get a couple games in on this (slayer) and the only fault was the straight away area near the geomerged fence walls. it seemed to be a big obstacle and really limited movement in that area, i would suggest puttting a gravlift there or reamoving the double walls and put up single walls to crate a box type thing alowing for movment undre the double box. idk if that would work because idk if there is a nuff clearence to get under the double box. Or you could just put a ramp up that side. other wise great map i also suggest what zombie villain said about the sniper rocket switch. Because with two snipers and such open lines of sight equal hard to get around easily. Maybe that is good idk. Great map tho.
uhhm that all was put there becuase it was too open for sniper control and really limited the fun of gameplay and we are making a v2 with some added things and possibly new weapon placement but i got the red rings and wont be on for a while
this map is a very good looking map. i like the smooth merging and interlocks. the sniper is probably in the best spot and i like the barrels on the floating fence wall. although the gameplay might look great, i think the that the scenery doesn't flow well together and is a bit choppy. If you would tie some pieces together it would make the map look better. overall 4.7/5
the scenery on this map was something that alot of people looked at and suggested. and alot of it was used for tactical jumps like the pallet to the rockets and the fencewalls with barrels on them was also a jump to the needler spawn.
Ok the pics are so jacked up that I can't even get a good look at the map... Learn to resize them and put them vertical not horozontal. From the bits that I could see everything looked alright. Nothing that special but alright.
Wow. I wish I could make maps like this on Foundry. The geomerging is flawless on this map. I could never do that so perfectly without messing up over 10+ times & giving up on it. Very nicely done. I say a 9/10, only because nothing's perfect! Keep up the good work, & I look forward to seeing more of your maps!