Hey! Seeing the good reception my other screenshots got, I had a look around in my gallery for other good ones. Here I present two of my old screenshots which I like. Glare I made this one a long time ago but I still like it. The Devil Rides a Mongoose This one was made kind of on accident; me and my friend were trying to get a good pose with a mongoose and a needler (back when I didn't really use effects at all) and this happened. Thanks for looking, I hope you enjoyed them!
I dont really like the first one but the second one is pretty good, and i think the horns are longer and curved and make it look more like a bunny IMO
hehe yeah the second one is more funny then hardcore devil stuff. the needles are pink and make the serious hayabusa face look funny
I agree with the others partly; the second picture is very good and funny but I also like the first one, I love the overall colour of it, the purple/white in the background is really nice. Great pics
Thanks, I like the first one too. I can definately see how the second one is probably more like a bunny or something, but at the time I thought it looked like a devil y'know! ^_^