Sandbox Ghostbusters3 on Haunted Hotel

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by MaxSterling, May 18, 2009.

  1. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Map Title: Haunted Hotel
    I ain't afraid of no ghosts...
    Recommended # of players : 8-16


    Download Map : Haunted Hotel - over 100 downloads
    Download Gametype : Ghostbusters3 - over 75 downloads

    Description : Love Ghostbusters but tired of Hide & Seek Town? Tired of playing on a huge map and ghosts that hide forever?

    There's an old hotel that has contracted you to clear it of ghosts. This hotel has history. Many people have passed away over the years. The owner is deciding to send in a demolition crew and sell the land in 10 minutes if you cannot clear the hotel of it's unruly "patrons".

    Your mission... should you decide to accept it... is to enter the hotel through one of three entrances ( the main entrance, the back entrance, or the rooftop ), grab your proton packs ( sentinel beams ), and rid the hotel of these ghosts.

    Zombies spawn as "Ghostbusters". Humans spawn as a ghost of one of the former hotel employees or patrons. Who will you spawn as?
    - bellhop ( spawn by main entrance door)?
    - front desk clerk ( spawn behind front counter )?
    - hotel manager ( spawn in room behind front counter )?
    - Chef or his assistant ( spawn in kitchen of restaurant )?
    - Waiter/Bartender ( behind the counter in the restaurant )?
    - Gift Shop employee ( in the store )?
    - Entertainer that overdosed ( stage of discotech )?
    - Disc Jockey ( DJ booth over discotech )?
    - Executive ( conference room )?
    - on the toilet ( in the lobby bathrooms )?
    - choking on food ( in the restaurant )
    - one of the former residents ( in one of the 5 hotel rooms )

    Hotel Images...
    This is the main entrance for Ghostbusters to enter from...
    As you can see, I have tried to keep ghosts from being able to spawn kill Ghostbusters by adding mancannons so that you can enter the hotel, but can't leave.

    This is what you see when you enter through the main entrance... the lobby.
    As you can see, there is a front desk with a manager's office behind it... and what used to be the gift shop above it on the 2nd floor.

    When you enter through the main entrance, this is what's to your right...
    As you can see, a little lobby lounge area and stairs to the 2nd floor.

    This is to the left of the front desk when you walk in...
    Another stairway to the 2nd floor, and entrances to the lobby bathrooms are behind those columns on the 1st floor.

    The toilets are still there, but you'll get no privacy since the doors were removed when it was abandoned...

    Here's the restaurant on the 1st floor just past the lobby lounge...
    There's still a few tables... and the bar is still there. Stove and fridge are in the back.

    On the 1st floor in back, there's also a stage/discotech...
    It doubled as a comedy club/disco back in the day.

    Here is the basic elevator shafts...
    Yeah... very basic, but can get you there. Ran out of man cannons and the grav lifts kept pushing underground when I tried to merge them with the small wedge.

    Here's a view of the entrance to the discotech. You an also see the hotel back entrance and fire stairwell leading to all floors and the rooftop entrance for Ghostbusters...

    2nd floor conference room, for those business meetings...

    2nd floor is also how you can get into the DJ booth overlooking the discotech...

    3rd floor has the five guest rooms. They're all pretty basic...
    Each still has a bed, a closet, and a bathroom which is bare ( ran out of budget ).

    Here's the settings for Ghostbusters3...
    ( I started from scratch, so don't know how similar it is from the original. )
    Initial Zombie Count : 1
    Number of Rounds : 5
    Time Limit : 10 minutes
    Friendly Fire : Disabled

    Base Player Traits...
    Damage Resistance : 100%
    Shields : None
    Damage Modifier : 0% ( you can only assassinate the Ghostbusters )
    Weapons : Energy Sword/Needler
    Infinite Ammo : Enabled
    Weapon Pickup : Disabled ( you're dead... you can't pickup physical objects! )
    Player Speed : 200% ( fast and still controllable )
    Player Gravity : 50% ( get to those hard to reach places that Ghostbusters can only shoot at... )
    Motion Tracker : Off
    Active Camo : Good
    Waypoint : None
    Forced Color : White ( you're ghosts... )

    Last Man Standing Traits...
    Everything is the same as Base Player except...
    Motion Tracker : Enhanced Mode @ 10 Meters
    Forced Color : Green ( you're Slimer! )

    Alpha Ghostbuster Traits...
    Most settings are the same, except...
    Damage Resistance : Invulnerable ( assassinations only )
    Damage Modifier : 200%
    Weapons : Plasma Pistol/Magnum
    Weapon Pickup : Enabled
    Player Speed : 125%
    Player Gravity : 75%
    Active Camo : Off
    Waypoint : Visible to Everyone
    Forced Color : Red

    Normal Ghostbuster Traits...
    Pretty much same as Alpha except...
    Damage Modifier : 150%

    Ghost kills a Ghostbuster : 1 point
    Ghostbuster kills a ghost : 2 points

    Weapons/Equipment on map...
    Sentinel Beams : 3 - Runtime min : 3
    ( one at each Ghostbuster spawn )

    Plasma Rifle : 1 - Runtime min : 1
    ( hotel front desk )

    Flame Thrower : 1 - Respawn Rate : 30
    ( on the stove )

    Regenerators : 2 - Runtime min : 1 - Respawn Rate : 30
    ( on two toilets so Ghostbusters can feel refreshed after taking a dump )

    Overshield : 1 - Respawn Rate : 180
    ( in discotech so hopefully ghosts will become visible )

    Power Drain : 2 - Respawn Rate : 120
    ( 1 in DJ Booth, 1 in gift shop... hopefully help make seeing ghosts a little easier )

    Grav Lift : 1 - Respawn Rate : 30
    ( 2nd floor near elevator... meh, it was on the canvas )

    I created this map so that Ghostbusters could theoretically find every ghost eventually. Theoretically, if you work as a team of Ghostbusters, you can corner off areas of the hotel to get ghosts. While the 1st and 2nd floors will be more difficult, most rooms have only one entrance/exit. If you can get a ghost to the 3rd floor... just block off all stairwells and elevators and send up a search crew to go room by room. Your biggest issue should be the 10 minute time limit.

    I ran out of money at the end, so I know of a couple bad interlocks on the top floor because I couldn't spawn the right pieces to brace, and the roof looks like crap. I pretty much had to use whatever pieces I had left to just seal up the cracks so nobody could get out of the hotel. Ghostbuster entrances are probably the worst part, but they should be enclosed enough to prevent anyone from escaping the map without a lot of effort.

    If anyone finds an escape route, please notify me and I'll try to fix it. I reached the item limit, so I'll do the best that I can to address that issue.

    Hope you enjoy this map and happy hunting/hiding!
    #1 MaxSterling, May 18, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2009
  2. Wailingjam

    Wailingjam Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sweet map, I can definitely see that the structure looks like a house, but not any house an Aztec house built for a king, which can be considered a mansion nowadays. Anyways your interlocking looks smooth and the design is great along with the paths and hallways. I can see that this probably took you a while to make so great job and keep it up.
  3. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Oops... Had the title wrong on my OP. It's supposed to be Haunted Hotel, not Haunted Manor. Your post had me puzzled and then I looked at my post and saw I flubbed up.

    Thanks for the comments. Definitely took a long time and a lot of patience. It's definitely not easy building entire floors when there's a lot of empty space below it. You have to keep building and moving dummy floors, just to try to maintain even flooring. What a pain in the arse that is!

    EDIT: Found a couple of walls that still did not spawn at start up and fixed it. What a pain this map was...
    #3 MaxSterling, May 18, 2009
    Last edited: May 18, 2009
  4. Xtremegamer1996

    Xtremegamer1996 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Shouldnt the ghost hunters get snipers as in a PKE Meter? You know to like detect the ghosts with the scope?

    Well anyway, nice map. Mustve taken you a long time. And yes, your opening sentence enticed me because Hide and seek town sucks. LOL
    #4 Xtremegamer1996, May 19, 2009
    Last edited: May 19, 2009
  5. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
    Senior Member

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    If the sniper scope when not zoomed in could show the image of someone that's invisible in the viewscreen, then I could see possibly using the sniper. I just tested it to see if you could... but I couldn't. I jumped up and down in front of my guest and even swung the sword and even when I was visible... I still couldn't see myself in the scope. If I'm wrong, let me know and I'll change the gametype to have plasma pistol/sniper rifle.

    Thanks. Took me roughly a week to complete. I actually updated my link again because I keep finding pieces that I missed resetting to spawn at start. Definitely a pain in the butt when trying to make floors level... especially when using t-walls and corners as a ceiling/floor and wall combination. I had to do a lot of interlocking with walls to get the right heights. Walls need to be merged with floors/ceilings to make blocks and walls all uniform all the way around.

    EDIT: Just found a couple more walls that didn't have respawn at start. One of which was a critical exterior wall. That was a major flub on my part. I'm beginning to wonder if my map is randomly selecting new walls to make disappear every time I fix two more.

    Link has been updated... again.

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