Sandbox From Above... V3

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by stevey101, May 14, 2009.

  1. stevey101

    stevey101 Ancient
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    Okay I finally finished "From Above V3". Now I wouldn't say that the changes are big but were asked for in the comments.

    1) Added in 2 warthog drops triggered by zombies.
    2) Added in 2 auto mongoose drops.
    3) Cleaned up humans base (remove/ re-arranged items)
    4) Fixed Gametype to work with new map (obviously)
    5) Added In 2 Bubble Shields for humans which come in at 45 seconds.
    6) Gave zombies 2 spiker and 2 fire grenades/bombs each at 45 seconds re-spawn.
    7) Remove platforms at top because they were messy, not necessary and I needed the money!

    Other than those the rest is the same. I guess the list is longer than I thought. If you want to know how to play then read below but if not then you can skip to the pictures

    How To Play:

    This is an infection game type. The Zombies spawn up in the sky bubble and the humans spawn on the middle floor of Sandbox. The Zombies get rockets, fuel rod guns spiker grenades, and fire bombs. From the sky bubble the zombies much shoot down and try to kill the humans. They must use strategy to box the humans in, in order to get the kill. Some zombies can even release warthogs on the humans to get the kill. If the zombies cannot kill the all of the humans within 2 minutes then they can "drop" down in the middle floor to finish the humans off (hopefully). To drop down the zombies must jump off the edge of their floating platforms so that they will die and respawn. The advanced respawn system will then start to respawn all zombies down into the middle of sandbox and into the "pen" that the humans are in.

    Pictures (Only of the new things Click >Here< To See Version 2 Post)

    Overview of updated map, notice that there are less items making it less cluttered. The bubble shields spawn around the center town; you'll find them after 45 seconds
    V V

    Overview of updated map for the zombies. The kill balls destroy the auto dropping mongooses' and the two boxs surrounded by shield doors are where the warthogs are released when shot at. The left and right platforms in the picture are the two where the warthogs can be released. The other the platforms contain either fire bombs or spike grenades. Its your choice on which platform to go to. One more thing, the kill balls are not going to bug you, they're high enough up. Also, the mongooses' almost never land in the same spot!
    V V

    This is how the warthog drop works. Just shoot the box and the fusion coils will exploded destroying the warthog and pallet, releasing it. Just in case you guys are wondering, the fusion coils have not created lag, for me at least. Oh and the warthog re-spawns every 45 seconds and it lands in different spots too.
    V V

    There goes the warthog :)
    V V

    Please Comment, Especially If You Have Tried It With A Large Group. I Want To Know How It Played!

    Oh and here are the map's and gametypes

    Map... From Above... V3

    Gametype... (REQUIRED) Way UP... V3
    #1 stevey101, May 14, 2009
    Last edited: May 14, 2009
  2. T3H Sniper King

    T3H Sniper King Ancient
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    I remember the first one, had a lot of fun. This one looks better in many ways. I really would love to the warthogs dropping on people beside me when I'm walking. Very original map. And nice V2.
  3. A Startld Lemur

    A Startld Lemur Ancient
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    Have you posted this map for testing with the testers guild? If not, that could be a good way to test how it performs in large groups. Also, have you tried the rocket pod as a zombie weapon?
  4. stevey101

    stevey101 Ancient
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    No, I haven't posted it with the testers guild. Ill check that out. The rocket pod, I kind of remember trying it. If it works then thats a great idea. Thanks!

    Edit: To be honest I don't know if I have enough time for a while with the long weekend coming up as I am actually going away and wont be near and xbox. If someone here reading this has played the map with a lot of people then feel free to post your thoughts here.
    #4 stevey101, May 14, 2009
    Last edited: May 14, 2009
  5. stevey101

    stevey101 Ancient
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    ^Moved From Version 2^

    Try and keep all talk about From Above in the Version 3 Thread.
  6. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    Love the idea, and i really liek the stuff that you added because before it useed to seem really easy to not die... Im glad you fixed alot of stuff and added even better stuff.
  7. stevey101

    stevey101 Ancient
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    Yeah your right it was a little too easy not to die. However, the more you play, the better you get as it actually take some skill to kill the humans down below.
  8. Jeff1741

    Jeff1741 Ancient
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    Nice I see that you finally got around to putting up V3.
    #8 Jeff1741, May 17, 2009
    Last edited: May 17, 2009
  9. honeycomb

    honeycomb Ancient
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    this has been improved a lot.good job!
  10. stevey101

    stevey101 Ancient
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    Thanks a lot. Im guessing that you got to see the others ones then right?
  11. stevey101

    stevey101 Ancient
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    Sorry for the bump here but I just wanted to let people know that I appreciate all of the help and comments. I think that I am done with the "From Above..." map for now. I am working on a new one called "Advance!". You can check it out in the casual maps on Forgehub. Thanks again!
  12. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
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    I would have posted this under competitive if it wasnt for the zombie place in the skybubble, in the V2, if you had taken out the skybubble section of the map, it would be a perfect swat map.

    i dunno, i think the warthog thing is kinda pointless, considering it spawns every 45 seconds.

    i like the ide tho, 4.75, nice forging
  13. Grif2200

    Grif2200 Ancient
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    This is a nice map, but does the zombie just drop stuff of can he shoot too? (sorry if that's in the description)
  14. stevey101

    stevey101 Ancient
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    So you mean that I should remove the top part, leave the bottom and make it team swat. Interesting idea, ill try that, it would be pretty quick. Thanks

    Ya i see what you mean about the warthog drop. It is just there for fun, it will almost never get a kill, but you never know.

    I believe it is in this description, it may not be though. To answer your question, yes, they can. In fact there is more shooting than dropping object. To be honest the warthog and mongoose drop are fun but dont really get any kills. The zombies must use fuelrod guns, and rockets to kill the humans. I dont mind answering this question, but it would be nice if you read the short description before posting question :p
    #14 stevey101, Jun 14, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2009
  15. Matt666

    Matt666 Ancient
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    This is a pretty fun map. The ideas not too advanced but it's fun enough.

    What's right:
    -Well executed
    -Good gameplay

    -The level could have been made more advanced, with higher walls
    -There were some issues with the spawns when playing with more than six people

    It was really fun though and definately worth the download. I give this map a solid 4/5
  16. stevey101

    stevey101 Ancient
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    Thanks for the criticism. It really helps me to make the map better! I would like ask you a few questions though.

    First: Why would you like the walls higher? I actually have almost no money left, were you guys able to break the map? What happened with the spawns?

    Second: Thanks for testing the map with more than 6 players. What spawn issues did you have, were they with the zombies or humans?

    Third: I know its not the most advanced idea but it still is fun. At the time of this first release there was nothing like it, which made it, at the time, pretty advanced.

    Thanks again for the help :D
    #16 stevey101, Jun 14, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2009
  17. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
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    yeah, use the v1 for the swat idea.

    it has more cover.

    Senior Member

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    the first version was a lot fun.that looks even more fun.i think its not so ood that you can jump out of map. there you can get fun by the objects mabe you could add some walls for exmaple.but i really like it.
    nice job.
  19. Kampy

    Kampy Forerunner

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    Death from above, nice.
    Just like call of duty 4

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