IRIDIUM Created by II ELITE BR II. IRIDIUM IRIDIUM is a symmetrical map designed specifically for free-for-all gameplay. Slayer is the preferred gametype but it also works well with oddbal and king. For the best gameplay it is recommended to play with 4-6 players. Weapon List Weapon-No.of-Respawn time-Spare clips Battle rifle-8-10 seconds-2 clips Shotgun-1-180 seconds-1 clip Plasma rifle-4-60 seconds-N/A Equipment List Plasma-8-10 seconds Overshield-1-90 seconds Screenshots Overview Ground Level Shotgun spawn and top middle Overshield pit Action shots IRIDIUM Thanks for taking a look at IRIDIUM. Any constructive criticism is appreciated.
Great map layout. I like multiple stages, makes it more tricky with the motion sensor. Is it possible to add more weapons? Having ARs at start and running to BRs only is a little boring I think, though the map makes the gameplay. But some other weapons would make battles more interesting, e.g. Brute Shots, or SMGs you can dual-wield with those Plasma Rifles.
Ok fist of all I have to say it looks like a cool layout. I can see you put some thought in designing it. The coloums is a little bit over-used, but it does add to the theme. I can see your map does not use alot of interloxzorz, but it actually added to the natural, less synthetic fell that I think your aiming at with the coloums. It looks good nonetheless. However these types of free for all floating platforms with a cental area with multiple levels is being done WAY too much, there must be 30 or 40 other maps with the same idea, just a different layout. I'm sorry, but this just doesnt stand out to me so no DL. If you want more downloads, Try making something original, something that has not been done a million times, then I'll download, but for now, this map itself deserves a 4/5 due to its lack of originallity. Now dont get me wrong, it may be the best map in the freaking world, but from the pics it looks like a photocopy of 1000 other maps like it. No hard fellings, Diger44
Awesome layout man. I like FFA map that are in the skybubble. I have never seen an FFA map like this. I will have to make a map video for this. It looks like it would play great with 2v2 BRs or 3v3 SWAT. You should make a SWAT version of this map and put it up. 4/5
Being one if the testers of the map, I can safely say that this map definately does not lack originality. The map, with it's multi-level structure, provides some frantic FFA action. The map is aesthically sound and looks amazing from afar. The map is not flawless, the annoying holes can cause you to fall through alot. A V2 would be a massive welcome. 4.5/5
im liking this, there have been comments of the weapon choice but i think its just right for this sort of map. I download it and played FFA and it was very fun indeed!
I can definitely see myself playing quite a few FFA games on this one in the future, the layout looks great and the style seems fitting for what it is designed for. . .