Sunset Bridge This is my new map Sunset Bridge. It was modeled after the Golden Gate Bridge so hopefully you can see the resemblance and i hope you have fun on this map. pics overview Starting Bridge Banked Turn Jump Under Bridge Last Banked Turn Download Here Download Racetracks
Looks beautiful from afar but if you get a little closer the interlocking doesn't look like it is that great (it's a scud, not sure if anyone else knows what that means ).Now I know it isn't the easiest thing to interlock floating objects and it is very tedious if you want it done correctly but it is worth it in the end. I do like the originality however I have seen one on standoff but that wasn't as good due to the fact of the lack of objects. I will give it a 4.5/5 since it is pretty original and pretty well executed.
Yes the interlocking isn't great, but the aesthetics are. Original idea, and the bridge looks fantastic. We need more racetracks like this, because I think maps with aesthetic focal points that look great are the best maps out there.
IT looks really cool. I think you did a great job on the map ITSELF but a few touch-ups are needed 1. Make it neater- a smooth track = good feedback (ooo that rhimed too) 2. Make the race a bit longer, it seems that it gets boring after a while 3. Add more jumps, because people like jumps =) 4. Take away useless objects, - the random blue column at the starting gate 5. Make the finish line cheat proof Other than that this map is really good. The bridge is big (me liky big) and well forged. The suspension cables are good too. I really like how you focused on aesthetics though, your map is very pleasing to the eye. Overall 8/10 keep forging I know you are going to make good maps.
First off, the interlocking isn't great, but the aesthetics are. It is an original idea, and the bridge looks fantastic. Personally, i would make it on the ground level and add other stuff and convert it into a post apocalyptic golden gate bridge slayer map, but thats just me. I would also try to fix the suspension part of the bridge because its a little sloppy, but other than that-great job! Overall-4/5
Wow love the originality of this map, dont think ive seen anything like this before. love the bridge its a little sloppy but still pretty pleasing to the eye, and i agree with the other guy, you should remove that blue column at the start.
wow, very nice i like how you combined a purly asthetic map and a race track together sort of like sky pyramid, the race track itself is simple but i can see u were focusing on asthetics aoo great job on that its very accurate.
wow well this map looks really fun and well made, i like the bridge alot too.even the race track looks good but only 2 things that i would change is put grav lifts at the checkpoint so they cant cheat and maby make the last bank turn make it like the first bank turn. well nice map 4.5/5
wow brilliantly forged i like the bridge unique aspect to the map but on the looks of it the starting thing needs a bit of work dont know how 3/5 ill dl and try to re-rate
THE BRIDGE JUST BLEW MY FRICKIN MIND!! I always wanted to do something like this but it seems that you did it way better than I could have. My only problem is that if you sat there in a mongoose at the finish you could cheat. 4/5
well actually the top of the spawn doesn't respawn at starts because it interferes with your view and the goal is not cheatable i even checked this a lot
looks pretty cool goldman i'll be sure to check it out when I get a chance =) As always the interlocking looks really good although I've grown to dislike square banks as I call them. But looks like a good map!
problem many of you are wondering why the bridges over the start spawn after you go over them on the first lap, well i didn't think that people would just go that quickly so i thought i was fine and i was focusing on halotracks tournament rules where you go on second destination so please stop asking questions and sending me messages.
Wow This map has some good things and some bad things. Bad Things: Does not look smooth. Looks kind of short. Banked turns are better than square turns. Finishline should be cheatproof. Good Things: Amazing ascetics. Jumps. Banked turns. I give this map 9/10 (ill rate it 5/5 though =D).Keep forging this map is amazing...
Wow this looks amazing. From far away especially but when up close it becomes a bit messy. Anyways, aside from the aesthetics it looks like a somewhat average race track. I like the figure eight, the jump, and other little things added however. One of the better race tracks so far keep up the good work.
The aesthetics are outstanding and the track as a whole is also very good, very smooth which makes the game play very fluent. +1 for originality, well done!
Wow, for the first time since I have been on ForgeHub, looking for something completely original, I am speechless...