Franklin link to map: : Halo 3 File Details created by the greatest person alive, me. also known as, Titmar, Tittymars, Teetmare, and Michael Bolton. recommended number of players: for FFA or King, i recommend between 6 and 8 players for a hectic good time. for TS and Flag, i recommend 2V2 or 3V3 maximum. Recommended Gametypes: this map supports Team Slayer, King of the Hill, Oddball, and One Flag. *NOTE* the map does NOT support multi-flag. due to the design of the map, multiflag will play like **** so dont do it. Map Description: Franklin is a map that takes inspiration partially from the layout of Turf. The outer portion of the map has a road that curves along it, from the attacker's start point, to the defender's base. The inner part of the map is a series of rooms and interconnecting pathways. Other than that, it does not carry much resemblance to Turf... but nevertheless... *nods at turf.* The other portion of the map that takes from Turf, is the fact that there is a Warthog on the map. If you recall, there was also a warthog on Turf, and well... it wasnt very useful. You could mow down a few people out on the road and whatnot, but if you got in it and drove around, you'd probably die. I remember many a hilarious moment in H2, when players would attempt to take the hog into the inner portion of the map, and get blown up and all sorts of other hilarious crap that would happen. I wanted to replicate that sillyness, and I believe I succeeded. The hog is not a very tactical element of the map. I felt I had to say that since i know a bunch of people will complain something or the other about the damn warthog. So now you know that your post is spam if you do so, since i just explained its justification. ONWARD!!! Weapon List: 6X Battle Rifle 2X SMG 2X Plasma Rifle 1X Mauler 1X Sniper 2X Carbine 1X Rockets 1X Needler Equipment: 1X Overshield 1X Camo Some plasma nades also. Screenshots: A view of the defenders starting area/base. from here you can sees around a portion of the road. in the above part of the picture, you can see a series of tubes. The tube with the Fins attached to it, contains Active Camo inside it, and the sniper spawns atop it 2 minutes into the game. Overview 1: On the upper left, you see the attacker's spawn area, on the lower right you see the defender's base area. Bottom left - man cannon, rockets. This man cannon has been tested, and is able to launch you to various points of the map with ease. For something funny, drive the hog into it. The mancannon does ONLY spawns in symmetric. In other words, its not there for One Flag. (because its too quick of a shortcut.) Overview 2: Looking from the attacker's spawn area: Another view from the same point: Bottom mid: this area contains mauler spawn, and above it in the "attic" area, is the needler spawn. Bottom Mid and Top Mid (attic): in this image you can see the needler's location, as well as the "attic room" which provides access to the top portion of the map, and the tube in which camo and sniper are located. Ovie: Sorry i forgot to include the ovie in the shot, its right off the screen at the bottom. Anyway, overshield spawns at this corner of the map. It is easily accessed by either defense or attackers. The room with the columns for a floor is a central point that players frequently pass through. The tube: a shot of the aforementioned tube, with the defense base back in the distance. Another view of the defender's area: Download: : Halo 3 File Details Thanks for playing, come again. Next post reserved for action shots:
ACTION SHOTZORS: Pwnin' teh Hog! Battle at bottom mid! NOOOOOOooooOOOoooOOO fighting by defense base and finally: EPIC MANCANNON KILL IN ANIMATED GIF FORM OH YEA SUPER COOL no seriously this has happened to me like 3 times during all the testing wtf
Wow, very beautiful asthetically. I don't see exactly how its related to Turf, but it looks sweet. It flows beautifully, not hard to navigate whatsoever. I'll test it and let you know whatever bugs/problems I can find and get back to you, but great job man.
Hey. You got it posted! I had fun play testing 1v1 and FFAs. It's worthy of a download if you have a free space on your hard drive. I mainly enjoyed FFA oddball and king. The aesthetics are very nice as well.
im not sure if i really like the tubes on the map it sort of takes away from the asthetics but for the gameplay itself its realy good, if there were a way to improve id say just a tiny bit more cover in the open area and i fell the warthog is unnessacary we only ended up useing it once when testing and even then we got one or 2 kills with it, but thats my opinion but other than those comments great map
Hey man it was a blast to test this. Its always fun to beat you on your own maps ^.^ Once again, your style won me over though. The peculiar weapon placement and unique structural layout (along with great map names) is becoming my favorite map style. I've only tested it on CTF so far but i imagine most other gametypes work well too. Once again, a fantastic map, and i can't wait to see what you roll out next! Oh, and as always, invite for testing!
Great Map Titmar! I had great fun playing this and trying to help you with spawns Did you ever fix that? Anyways! The Warthog plays great, most tiny maps can't support it. But yours can, good job on that. I'll be making a detailed review and possibly a video soon, so keep your eyes open hommie!
Turf Nice work Titmar. The map looks very original and unique. I do see a vague similarity to Turf, but it's definitely a totally new map. I like the idea of the warthog sillyness. It'll be funny to see how many replies include warthog inclusion slamming. Plenty of cool looking structures on the map. My favorite is the structure in the background of the animated gif, which is really sweet, btw. I'm surprised people don't use those more often.
This looks pretty epic, TEET. I'm pretty sure that this is "the sweet map posted in the Hub Pub" that Val was talking about. It looks like this will have some pretty intense gameplay, as well as great aesthetics. I absolutely loathe wooden bridges, but it's okay because you were probably limited on your supplies. One quick question. Is this built directly on or over the grid? Whatever the answer, this has definately got my download.
Incredible; top of my queue immediately. The map looks marvelous aesthetically and game play wise. I love the merging on the Man cannon structure specifically as well as the ramps, so clean and pertty I can't judge how well it plays solely because I'm currently fixing my RRoD problem but I'll make sure to get a game or too and let you know how it is. After playing numerous games on Banana I can tell you I'm expecting nothing but marvelous game play nywayz. ^_^ Wonderful, keep forging sir.
This looks insane. The pictures show off some good aesthetics and the actions shots are good and i like the last one! Overall looks a pretty solid map and one which could host very fun gameplay indeed! 4.5/5
Yea squidhands and I addressed the issue and ended up simplifying it greatly in order to get it to function well. It works better than before. The multiple respawn areas were confusing it I think. Its built on the grid. Are you referring to using the wooden bridges as walls? I dont understand why you could possibly hate them, they are like one of the few objects available on sandbox that dont look boring as ****. As you may have noticed I like my maps to be varied aesthetically and not have every single wall looking like a boring-ass sand rock thing. But thank you for the compliments Banana needs revision I believe, but thank you!
I don't hate them for the ways that they can be used, I just don't like how they look right next to the stone. It doesn't look bad, just weird. Oh, and I managed to get a couple games on here. All I can say is that it plays remarkably. Wonderful job. I like taking the Warthog into the Man Cannon.
I salute you, for using a vehicle thats pretty much all for laughs. It takes a lot of guts to put a "fun" vehicle our weapon in your map. The only thing i remember about turf is how I once got a tripple kill splatter in the little rooms with the warthog. But why is it called franklin?
Very nice aesthetic map. The design is great and the use of different levels throughout the map looks like it could add that extra bit to the gameplay. All the merging looks really clean and smooth. A 4.5/5 and a dl from me. ELITE
Wow! This is exactly what forge hub needs a little bit more of! I know i don't post real often, but i only post if something has really caught my eye. Titmar, this map is so awesome becuase not only does it have great gameplay, forged cleanly, and has some nods to previous halo maps, it is unique. What i mean by this is that it isn't symmetrical. I am so tired of seeing the old, over-made two base symmetrical maps. Don't get me wrong, i like symmetrical maps, but asymmetric maps have much more imagination put into them IMO. Just like Banana, you have created a map that has several appealing aspects and varies up the textures (wood bridges kick ass!) anyway, i wanted to say thanks for making a map that i love to look at, play on, and also keep on my fileshare for probably forever. Seriously, Franklin is awesome in all the areas you rarely see around here in forgehub. I hope that this gets featured for that reason, but who knows. Great job 5/5 IMO P.S. The name Franklin makes my pants tingle!!!
Its called Franklin because I was walking down Franklin Ave and I thought "Hmm, okay why not." I'm not sure if a triple splatter is possible in the small rooms on this map, but I have had some pretty hilarious splatters occur during games on it. The warthog really is a strange and funny element to the map. Thanks.