Here are 7 more screenies from me! Hope you like 'em! Nuclear Colors? DEMON! Gold Pixel Secondhand Smoke Silhouette Please vote for your favorite one and leave constructive criticism! -Pel
DEMON!, Pixel, and Secondhand Smoke were good. They fitted the scene well and Pixel just had a nice effect. The other ones were either too bizarre looking or unappealing.
I'm magic. Thanks. I like Pixel, and my friends do, too. I like how the Elite in DEMON! looks like he's freaking out. Secondhand Smoke is just funny in my opinion.
Lol, i love demon. and i love how you said cause i use the same saying for the same situations. xD all of them at least 4/5 demon and pixel 5/5
just swing a hammer and look through the distortion the hammer makes *IT WILL NOT LOOK LIKE PIXELS UNTIL U TAKE THE SCREENSHOT IT WILL JUST LOOK LIQUIFIED
The Color one was with a grav hammer, I know this because i made an awesome screen like that on rat's nest.
The first one i the only one with a clear focal and it wasnt evan that great. Your not magic and frankly, i think these suck. 5/10 for the gallery. Also pixel doesnt look to great. And pretty easy to do.
I wouldn't be THAT harsh, but these are not the best screenshots out there, they are actually pretty cool. But my favorite one is the pixalzed(sp?) one, and the first one up there. Try not to take sceenshots with the regenerating shields, because it just looks bad.