Hobo Heights V3

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by x DREAM 76 x, Jan 1, 2009.

  1. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    #1 x DREAM 76 x, Jan 1, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2009
  2. bobsagetismyhro

    bobsagetismyhro Ancient
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    i love hobo heights, but it looks like the exact same thing other than the fact that its on blackout and is at an angle. did you do something to the gametype or something?
  3. mista tipsta

    mista tipsta Ancient
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    this looks really good, is it possible for the non-infected to jump onto the platform where the zombie is? oh yes and you may want to explain whats going on. some people may not know what Hobo Heights is.
    But regardless this looks looks great

    i believe he did something to the game type. as well it looks like it could be suited for a large party, take notice that there is two zombies on the platform below.
    #3 mista tipsta, Jan 1, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 2, 2009
  4. penguin asassin

    penguin asassin Ancient
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    you are awesome! you get the hugest, giantest cookie ever for this, hobo height is one of my favorite games to date, however please but the pallets over the splazer guy, then close off the platform so it's a box and they get stuck in there with him so he can slice and dice him it's much more fun the just falling and, unlock last resort you can't hide also one of the big problems like the original hobo heights, is that the teleporter nodes get in the way, so try and fix that. My last suggestion is to put 4 walls around the pallets so people can't go suicidal, witch i hated so much and possibly make it bigger if you haven't run out of pallets also hobos are brown because there wearing cardboard boxes and the evictor dude is black because he's wearing a suit for now you get
    4 suicidal noobs, out of 5
  5. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    This is exactly like Hobo heights? Just that you changed the map and and the word "Hobo." Does this map bring anything new to the table? Something thats completely different than hobo hieghts?
  6. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    LMAO. I like the brown for hobo and the black suit for the mad rent collector guy.. That's pretty funny. I went with natual color for the hobos as to reenact if you were to actually spawn in that horrible place in your very own street clothes. I also hear what you are saying about the placement of the spawn in reference to the platform. I assure you that I thought about that. I went with this design to obtain more variables in the dynamic angle of laser fire. I wanted to keep it more interesting. I also went with an offset design for the simple fact that if the hobos did want to rush the platform, the zombie would be forced to turn in a front to back motion. I felt this would increse the chance of an overkill or some other great sprees.
  7. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    Can any of you read?

    "...The map and game type have received several key changes that really bring the game to the next level of excitement. The spawn is considerably higher over the zombie than previously. The hobos also now have the addition of picking up power ups to distract the angry hobo smasher! The map is sealed in tight with no way to cheat or reach the base. The game has received several exciting tweaks. The zombie can find a shotgun to deal with any would be grab slappers..."
  8. Grandmas House

    Grandmas House Ancient
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    2 things I dont like:

    The slant
    The wall against the pallet platform

    but other than that, I really liked this remake. It's forged well and the double pallet platform is a interesting changed. I'll see how this plays out when I get my box back.
  9. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    We are just about to get a huge party of customs together right now if anyone wants to find me. I did just want to comment on this though. 1) Like I stated before, the slant was done on purpose to balance the game play and make the transition between the platforms more interesting. 2) I originally had no walls up on the back of the pallets. When we did our final test like two people in the pary suggested to put something in the back to stop noobs from falling. I tested it and it doesn't really effect the game play. Give it a try when you get you box back. I would like to see what you think. I am open to change suff or it might be perfect the way it is now?
  10. penguin asassin

    penguin asassin Ancient
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    i feel like a real noob saying this but what do you mean by zombie spawn? and shotguns are boring because there quick and you don't get all the emotions you get with a knife (if you didn't get the dark knight reference, the GTFO) so replace it with a sword for that more nostalgic feeling, also what is the spawn for the pallets? and ask a mod to move this to minigames, it is one like the original
  11. whiizzle

    whiizzle Ancient
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    this map is good.. the point is to make a new map for hobo heights i think,, it isnt really that new but it is a change of scenery.....9ish/10
  12. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    Thanks for the feedback. I have updated the map and game variant today! Everyone please DL and come back with a review. Thanks. DREAM
  13. Bobguy13

    Bobguy13 Ancient
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    Hmmm, there was once a map just like this on blackout, only the zombie had a smaller space (a bridge), and there was no anti-noob wall behind the hobos (Except for the bigass, not to mention innefective one made out of boxes), so they could jump back onto the buildings and into blackout, which wasn't fun for the zombie. This map changed that, and I like the angle that you've added. Makes it more of a challenge for those poor, poor hobos. Plus, the zombie can walk around freely without concern of falling now. 4.5/5.
  14. l33tmeerkatslol

    l33tmeerkatslol Ancient
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    I'm glad you made a new one, the one I played on Last Resort was crap. no offence.
  15. l33tmeerkatslol

    l33tmeerkatslol Ancient
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    Oh, i just saw the Remade by:. Thank god. Thank you. :)
  16. CavemanToaster

    CavemanToaster Ancient
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    Ok, those aren't Hobo Heights pics, and that definitely isn't Blackout.

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