ok, well iv just started to use and understand Photoshop and messed around with a photo and got this... old-- new-- original Spoiler dont care for comments. i might ask how and/or what your talking about lol
Well, you didn't do much....And the text ruins what you did do, not bad for a first though...Also, the title makes the think of the old song/the MS river
ok, well thanks for the comments guys. srry Frag Man that i did put up the stock. i removed the text(yes its true that it wasnt great, thanks for that) and sadely i cant do alot to darken the left side...burn tool didnt work out that well for me lol
You should check out good-tutorials.com and start practicing with tutorials since you are new at photoshop. This is how I started and kept practicing until I didn't need tutorials anymore and got familiar with the tools and filters.