Well, i know alot of you guys probably do not forge racetracks and are probably not WIN at it..... but........ i have a problem. see i know the basics to forging racetracks and everything. but it is getting very difficult for me to come out with my latest creation on Sandbox, because i have issues interlocking on that map.. whenever i try to use a support or guide for my racetrack to angle it down or up.. i save and quit holding it up against the guide.and whenever i start the game back up.... it is interlocked or angled completely akward with the guide and it does not wanna stay in the same spot i saved and quitted. ( i wish i could make this easier to explain ) 1. I save and quit my peice holding it up against the guide perfectly placed the way i want it 2. I save and quit 3. I start the game back up 4. The piece that i saved and quitted is completely screwed up or interlocked with the guide * I want to know if anyone else has had this problem forging racetracks and or slayer maps on Sandbox if you are a person that has figured out how to get past this issue please explain to me how you did it. * Sincerely, Yo Mommas Foot
Happens on every map, when pushing it up against a guide, move back a it until it stops making that annoying noise and twitching. It takes a few tries but, yea.
That might work. If it doesn't, make sure you hold RT and slightly wiggle your object while it's in the place you want to save it in. If you don't understand, my GT is MousseMoose. I don't see how you would get that result so often though. It's rarely happened to me.
same thing happenend in mine. its called teardrop megring. what happens is if you put something at a 45 degree angle and the guide moves it to a 20 degree angle, when you open it back up it will go back to 45 Answer: press RT after having it in the perfect place via the guide
well i think i understand what you guys are talking about, but the only map i have had MAJOR MAJOR trouble with this is on Sandbox, maybe it is because i am trying to create a racetrack ??
it has to do wth how bungie saves your maps if you move it out of its original position its harder to save so it moves around thats also why double walls are usually bumby as floors