Traxus Co. v1.8

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Fbu, Dec 2, 2007.

  1. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    Section K 2433 Zanzibar, Africa, has been overrun by an biological infection. The large chemical manufacturing company Traxus Co. has been blamed for the outbreak; but top Traxus executives have denied any such accusations. UNSC biological inspectors were sent in to inspect the factory. Weeks have passed without word of the inpsectors and all of Traxus’s Executives have mysteriously disappeared. Your job as an UNSC marine is to invade the factory’s armory and quarantine the infection. Limited ammo has been supplied.


    All UNSC marines are supplied with M6G Magnums. Ammo is supplied near the drop off point. Traxus has been known to deal with weapon suppliers, check around for supplies.

    The Drop Off Point
    You are supplied with several pistols and two mongooses. The remains of the UNSC Inspectors’ transport hog are visible form the beach. The beach consists of three points; the main gate, the stairwell, and the ruined wall. Don’t try and survive in the beach because you will run out of ammo. Keep moving on.

    The Wall Ruins
    Located above the sea wall is a rather large ruined wall, a favourite sniping spot for Traxus security guards. The traffic cone seems to be significant, I wonder why it’s there?

    Hole in the wall
    A M90A CAW, commonly referred to as a shotgun, is located by the now abandoned security guard’s patrol area. A heavy machine gun turret is located above, having a friend watch your back is the key to success.


    The Main Gate
    No entrance through the main gate is permitted. All Traxus employees must sign in first.

    The Garden
    Don’t let Zanibar’s scenic views catch you off guard, head for ammo and shelter in the next three parts; the windmill, Camp Froman, and the windmill observance tower. The armory is up ahead.

    Camp Froman
    A memorial plaque for one of Traxus’s employee is also a great place for the UNSC forces to regroup and reload with some ammo. Don’t stay too long, the infection can easily over whelm your squad.

    The Windmill

    The windmill is the main energy processing plant for all of Traxus’s chemical plants located in Section K of Africa.

    Windmill Observance Tower
    The room used for an overview of the windmill’s processes makes a great temporary holding room for squads of 3 or less. A conveniently placed radio helps lighten those boring work days.

    The Industrial Work Area
    Outside the factory, your squad is reaching closer and closer to the goal. Many entrances to the armory are possible, you could take the side wall, the bottom entrance or climb the windmill for an rooftop approach.

    Side wall
    A continuation of Camp Froman, the side wall provide a quick path to the factory’s armory. A nice sniping locale provides excellent cover for the soldiers in the armory.

    Further along the wall is a Cargo box, and it seems you can enter from the top.
    The bottom provides for a quick escape route.

    The Factory
    High levels of biochemical waste is stored here, quarantine is critical at this time. The armory serves as your last stand versus the infection. Do not under any circumstances stay in the factory too long, the infected are known to resist all damage near radioactive areas.

    The Last Resort
    The armory, the only place with respawning ammo. This will be the location of the final struggle between the UNSC forces and the infected.

    Thanks to:
    x Fbu x - Map maker, story line guy, scenery placement
    Ace Hax - ideas, weapon balancing/placement
    Dragoon2255 - ideas, special weapon placement, mini forts

    Map: Traxus Co. v1.8

    If you liked the map and would like to know some secret spots and weapons check out my blog for the guide to Traxus Co.


    *A word form the author*

    Ok, I know zombie maps a generally over done and unoriginal, but, I decided to make a Zombie map in memory of the good Halo 2 zombies. In my opinion pure classic zombies is one of the funnest gametypes of halo. Most people now a days play some dumb super speed invisible zombies in Sandtrap with humans having every weapon every made in an impossible to pass fort. I don’t know about you all but I’m tired of that.

    *Game Balancing*

    Another big problem with zombie maps is imbalance; far too often games either go really quickly or last forever witch makes people leave and dislike the map. In Traxus Co. I imagined every point’s balance for each side. Some places, like Camp Froman, are really easy to defend, but zombies have multiple entry points. The Sniping point is a good camping spot, but you can be easily swarmed from all directions. A hard place to balance was the beach; a place that humans can easily defend for hours. To fix this I set up incentives for players to head in, obviously the story line pushes them to go inside, but I put better weapons and ammo on the inside. The only place that ammo respawns in, is in the armory. Players that stay in the beach will be infected because of lack of ammo.

    *Artsy Fartsy*

    One thing I dislike about other’s maps is the general uncaring attitude of the forger. A lot of Forgers place items anywhere and make things look messy, because they don’t spend time messing with Forge, or because they want to get it over with quickly. I spend time making objects the way I want and try new things until it’s placed right. I just don’t throw stuff in random places. Many maps have fallen victim to “lets throw **** in syndrome�, mainly D-day and war maps. Every single piece of scenery in this map is placed with care whether it looks it or not. Weapons aren’t place in weapon holders or just randomly on the floor, they lean on the walls and are placed in an orderly fashion. I try to tell a story with just objects. Obviously Traxus is some kind of shipping company so it has a lot of boxes and crates in it’s Factory. My favourite example of story oriented objects is the lone sniper area. The placing suggests a story in itself; maybe the little security guard got bored of his position and sat down in the camping stool. He probably fell off to his death shortly after.


    Or how about this truck moving blockades into the door? It suggests the employees probably tried to defend from an oncoming threat. Who knows, zombies, the RIAA, hamsters?


    This is the kind of thing I would like to see in more forge maps, creativity beyond gameplay. Maybe more story oriented maps? Maybe I just care a bit too much, but when it all comes down to it, I think artsy things make or break a map.

    Make sure to rate and bump the thread on bungie if you like it ;)
  2. I Cottage I

    I Cottage I Ancient

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    Re: Traxus Co.

    Very well written, if the gameplay is as good as the written part then i give it a 5/5.
  3. TheYavimayan

    TheYavimayan Ancient
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    Re: Traxus Co.

    Nice map, it looks pretty fun, I'll have to play it when I get the chance. Also nice storyline!:)
  4. Frozenghost001

    Frozenghost001 Ancient
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    Re: Traxus Co.

    I love this map! Keep up the good work!
  5. gman347

    gman347 Ancient
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    Re: Traxus Co.

    looks cool ill have to try it out ;D
  6. DiFiglia

    DiFiglia Ancient
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    Re: Traxus Co.

    This map is really nice and fun to play
  7. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    Re: Traxus Co.

    Thanks guys, if you liked it remember to post in the bungie thread so more people see it!
  8. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
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    Re: Traxus Co.

    We played this last night, it was very fun. It ended up with me and Dark up on the sea wall and I fell. We didn't last long after that :-\. But overall, 8/10, good job.
  9. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Re: Traxus Co.

    i can never get enuf people to play with me :(
  10. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
    Forge Critic

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    Re: Traxus Co.

    This is a very good map and very balanced... I was surprise... it felt kinda sparse on objects, but that's fine... fbu see me tonight about little tricks to make it not so time consuming for zombies to always have to travel from the base, while still not spawning them too close to where humans are camping (cuz let's face it this is a camping worthy map).
  11. Gravedigger5454

    Gravedigger5454 Ancient
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    Re: Traxus Co.

    Sounds pretty good, I'll try this one out later.
  12. TrueDarkFusion

    TrueDarkFusion Ancient
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    Re: Traxus Co.

    Finally a zombies map that doesn't overpower the humans or the zombies. :D

    It feels like I am playing Zombie Survival back in the old days on Halo 2.
  13. Prretender

    Prretender Ancient
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    Re: Traxus Co.

    I like the story that you created for this map. I only wish that the zombie mechanic could be applied to king of the hill or territories just to force the players not to camp. I think it would even add a new level of survival to the game forcing you to keep moving. Nice map though I will be down loading it fo sho.
  14. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    Re: Traxus Co.

    Version 1.8 (Link)


    -Moved around several scenery objects to remove overpowered-ness of the main wall

    -Added a better way for zombies to get to "Section K 2433"

    -Fixed sniper that respawns

    -Made fire grenades more visible for newer players to see

    -Moved the inspector's warthog to a place where most humans see it explode, most people didn't notice it in its previous locale

    -Zombies spawn a little closer in the base so they can't be shot from the armory

    -Zombies don't run super fast at spawn anymore, now they are just tougher and stronger for a little longer

    -Zombies can't rush the armory while invincible anymore

    -Mongooses have no respawn anymore

    -Took away a timed event, it was useless

    -Weakened the top of the wheel, no one used it that much for it's use

    -Fixed Human's spawns if they died by accident

    Thanks for all who liked the map, I'd encourage you to get the new one with the new gametype.
    Traxus Co. v1.8
  15. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    Re: Traxus Co. (New version out!)

    man...i looked over the pics... love the story aspect to it...timed events and whatnot, ive been tryin to figure that out cuz of my interest in CSS zombie maps. very nice job man, hope ye get into FH
  16. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
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    Re: Traxus Co. (New version out!)

    Very impressive changes, Fbu. I liked before, and me likey more now. =D
  17. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    Re: Traxus Co. (New version out!)

    It took some balls to delete a map with so many downloads, but I realized it's the game play that counts, enjoy the new version guys. ;D
  18. Lumpfish

    Lumpfish Ancient
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    Re: Traxus Co. (New version out!)

    Great map dude, absolutly love it!

    MONSTERBOY Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: Traxus Co. (New version out!)

    I like the knock on Resident Evil's Umbrella Corp. Gonna download and play with 7 others tonight. ;D
  20. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
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    Re: Traxus Co. (New version out!)

    You're right, it does take a man to create a better map, throwing away his download records and whatnot...the community is better off because of your sacrifice, sir. My congrats.

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