Okay so I made the map Diminish for a contest and I only used red/blue columns and double blocks. I decided to continue this map using other items I was unable to use for the contest... Description: Diminish V2 is a 1v1-3v3 map in the Skybox. It has a main area with a large hole in the center with teleporters in the center of the hole. The teleporters lead to the turret towers. It has two bases which are identical. Under each base is a power up. Camo for Blue, Shields for Red. Around the entire map is a tunnel. The tunnel has 4 entrances. Portable Gravlifts in the tunnels allow you to get out. Some of the major weapons are 2 beam rifles, 2 shotguns (No spare clips), 2 swords and a Splazer. Changes from V1: -Added Tunnels -Shield doors on bases to prevent spawn killing -More spawn points -Supports Slayer, CTF, Oddball, KOTH and Assault. -Modified bases slightly. -Added rails on sides to prevent suicides. -Fixed minor aesthetic flaws. Time for pics. Overview: Base (Identical): Inside tunnels: Base from front: Turret tower (From old pics from V1, tower is the same): Edit: Oops DL: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=78695741 Please DL Testers: BIGdaddy Cabose ClovvN PrincE Sudzman MC Zatoci Myself Insightful Polo
I like the way the map is small and should provide intense gameplay. The turret towers are really unique and a great idea. I would also like a better view of the center of the map too, its hard to see what exactly is in there. Also there seems to be a lot of power weapons on the map. It seems to small to have 2 beam rifles, 2 shotguns, 2 swords and a Splazer. Thats just my take on the map. It seems like it would be great if you did just some minor tweaking for a v2. Overall 4/5
Haha... V3 actually. Thanks and the only reason there's so many is because I wanted it to be symetrical. I toned down the spare clips and upped respawn times on them though. Does that help at all?
Get rid of the shield doors..................If you need to prevent spawn killing make a new spawn. If you have all those shield doors and 2 shotguns then it is just going to be camping all day long. If you are going to keep them at least make something to bounce nades off of so you have a chance.