Bottom Line: Don't act like Mr. Macho Man Don't act too cool Don't try to stick out Focus on education Take whatever you need that will make school easier Don't do drugs if anyone tells you to, unless you want to.
Yeah I'm gonna be a freshman next year so i'll take your tips also the one problem is that my brother goes to the same school and will be a junior so it will suck casue he'll see me also i can't really blend in well becasue I'm taller then like 90% of the high school and i don't even go to it yet
Going to school with your siblings isn't that bad. I'd say about 40% of the people at my school have at least one sibling who goes to the same school. It's normal. And if you're tall, just go out for sports and start working out. You'll fit in really well.
I'd agree. I'm the middle child so I was at school with both my older brother and my younger brother for all of my secondary school career, bar the year that they missed each other by. You'll probably find yourself not seeing your sibling that much in school tbh, or at least probably not spending massive amounts of time together unless you're close outside of school, in which case it isn't bad at all. But either way it's nice to have someone else there you feel you can rely on, if something bad happens it's good to have someone around, in case you're stranded and need to contact your family or something. Definitely not a bad thing, and although I did have some of my older brother's friends and not so friends vaguely pointing and talking for a couple of weeks when I started, that was never really bad in any way and seemed to die out pretty quickly. Quoted for immense amounts of truth, well said. But I would add: Don't forget to have fun. Focusing on education is key as Rain said, it's the whole point of the system in academic and qualification terms. But school is also a social experience, and an essential one for society I'd say, it's where you undergo the most stark growth from child to adult mentally. It's important to remember going in to this that it isn't gonna be stressful for long. Don't be afraid to enjoy the experience within reason, and grow at the same time. The first bit is weird, not exactly bad tbh, but that's because change is strange, not because high school is anything inherently weird or stressful. It'll become normal soon (incredibly normal ), then you start to see the fun and get used to the whole system. Have fun but keep focused and it'll be a blast.
Two words got me through school, and don't let them mislead you, I'm in the top .1% of my huge class and I've done well for myself. "**** it" yep, thats right, "**** it" be yourself, do what you want, get through it. there's no need to fuss over schoolwork or tests or whatever, just try your best, and don't fret over whether you did well or not, that only proves detrimental to your psyche.
Also remember: Always go to the fights, regardless if your a part of them or not. Because, for some reason, your instantly cooler if you are "That guy at the fight".
There are two key pieces of advice you must remember forever in order to make the most of your high school career. #1: If you don't know what it means, it has something to do with sex. Oftentimes people will joke, laugh, and such about some word or phrase which you have never heard in your life before. It's sexual. Act accordingly. Try not to say anything specific, but making a generic and vague comment involving the words "*****" or "******" will often get you out of an awkward-silence situation. Of course, it's best to not say anything unless forced to, as the "Dutch rudder" they're discussing may very well actually be a part of a ship. #2: You can't get her pregnant if you stick it in her pooper. This gem of advice was bestowed upon me by the student-body president of my high school during the first month of my freshman year. 'Tis a solid piece of advice that should never lead you astray.
Um, no comment... Didn't need to read that at this time of night. God, have mercy on your soul... ...I really don't have any sort of advice for starting High School. I guess the only thing you can do is watch for things and ALWAYS do your work... Whatever they told you in Middle School about High School is TRUE! The work is 3 times harder then what you've had and the regular workload has been doubled. Good luck...
Also with the backpack thing. In the beginning of the year (if you take hard classes i.e. biology, chemistry) you will get many textbooks which your teachers will stress you will have to bring every day of the year. You don't have to bring all of them. I get away with bringing 1 textbook every 2 days. You don't have to bring your textbook to classes like physics (joke class), most math classes, most history classes, english, etc. At least that is what it is like at my school. My bookbag is practically empty, especially after AP exams. EDIT: Also watch out for the freshman paddling.
yeah i take stuff that's a grade ahead of me also so hell yeah I'll get to take AP sooner and empty my backpack sooner in my high school career.
I'm going to an IB school, so after two years of coasting it'll get incredibly harder. Better enjoy it while I can.
This may have already been said. But still. Keep all your friends, having the same friends can get you new friends in High School, and throughout high school, you will need friends. Don't act crazy your first two years. These two years are possibly the harder years of High School, the adapting, the stress, the annoyance of the freshman when you are a sophmore. Keep that in mind. For your Junior and Senior years, be active, this really goes for all four years, but mainly your last two, show your skills, wether it be athletics, academics, or anything. If you are on a middle school team, try out for the High School team. You may make it, try to keep at it. You will earn good things if you try hard. Remember this. If you are on a sport, or you do REALLY good in school, you will more then likely get scholarships and they are really needed. Don't slack off. Do your work then play. It's always hard to do something at the last minute. Take my word for it. I am graduating next Tuesday. 12th grade was a fun year, but I procrastinated. Don't do that. It can ruin your Senior year.
Same thing happened to me with moving to a different school, but it all ended pretty well. Tips: Stay in school, participate in clubs and activities, make friends, don't be an annoying smartass, if someone makes fun of you ignore them (they aren't worth it), just live your life and have fun (or at least try to have fun). It all kind of depends on the environment of your school, my school is pretty big and everyone minds their own business and people don't really mess with other people. Only a few times. If your school is crazy with ****ed up people, just stay away from them. Also if your school actually has "bullies", then ignore/stay away from them.
yeah the good thing for me is that i know alot of the kids who play sports in the high school and i know a few more through XBOX LIVE so i think my freshman year will be easy especially since I'm only taking 4 advanced classes and since i'm really smart compared to my grade.
One more paper for English HL and I'm done with IB Junior year!!!! Huzzah!!!! And yes, it's as ridiculous as they say. But SL IB exams are surprisingly easy with regard to their AP counterparts. IB Chemistry SL was far easier than AP Chemistry, as was IB Physics SL in comparison to AP Physics B. We just took Paper 3 of Chem SL this morning.
OK dont listen to these people about getting canned or toilets im nearing the end of my freshman year and none of that happened. only on like the 1st day a couple kids got canned but nothing after that. and no one dunks your head in a toilet thats bullcrap. hopefully your school isnt mean fyi dont be scared of anything and try to get some friends that are upperclassmen so you know where to buy teh weed