Why do my DLC maps only work when I'm connected to Xbox Live? I don't want to be using my internet all the time just to forge a map. This hasn't happened before. My friend borrowed it an now it just doesn't have the maps on the disk. How do I fix this?
The maps are stored on the HDD. I dunno why this has happened, they work fine for me offline. Is it just the mythoc maps or all DLC maps?
Yup, I get this too, happened the first time I redeemed my account to my friends Xbox then redeemed it back to mine, and ever since then. The maps are still on your HDD, but they don't seem to load unless I'm connected to Live. Even then, they don't load automatically, I have to go in to Forge or Customs game lobby and open the select map list, then it loads them all. If I'm not on Live then this step doesn't happen and I can't play the maps, sucks.
none work offline for me, I were a bit pissed when I couldnt forge them ;l Ive never restored my acc so its a bit retarded ;l
As EpicFishFingers said, the maps are stored on your 360s harddrive, not the Halo 3 disc. This query keeps coming up but nobody really ever gets a definate answer. I've never had any problems with my maps, online, offline, taking my Xbox round a friend's house, system linking, they always work. Perhaps it has something to do with the account you downloaded them with and the account you're trying to play them on?
Happens to me sometimes, but usually all I really have to do is wait a few seconds. Same with matchmaking. It'll say I don't have the maps, and then I do.
Exact same thing here, it says I don't have the required maps, or the map is not on the list, but then it says "loading content" or whatever and after a few seconds it's there.
Same thing happens to me as well only it only affects the Heroic Map Pack. The rest are doing fine. I asked bungie about it and they just said to re-download it. I didn't want to because it would take too long.
If you're unable to use the Content (IE doesn't appear when offline, but shows up when connected to Live) then the license is not applicable to both your console and hard disk drive. I had this happen with some rock band songs. Contact Microsoft via the Xbox 800 number 1-800-4MY-XBOX (last I checked) and inform them of the situation. They should be able to settle the licensing issues on their end.
Exactly. Downloadable content is connected to the account, HDD, AND the Xbox its self. If you have the account and the HDD but not the original console it was downloaded with, you'll have to be signed in to live to verify that it is you using them and not someone who didn't pay for them that mooched them off of you. There is a page on xbox.com that allows you to change the licenses of everything you've downloaded to a new Xbox that should fix the problem (also calling 4MY-XBOX as Ethrock said). Be warned that you can only do this once a year.
Actually, the maps will load themselves over the same period of time it takes for them to load when you go to select a map. If you wait a short amount of time, the maps will load say half way and you only wait half the time for them finish loading as you would when you select a map from the start. Hope that made sense. They load automatically when you're hooked up to the internet, is all I'm saying. But it's always nice to have a visual confirmation instead of stroking out watching the damn start matchmaking button flash repeatedly. Annoying as hell. So by the way, is there any way around this? Because I've never, and I mean never been able to load my **** unless I'm hooked up to the internet. Does it have to do with the fact that I saved the content while I was online, so I have to be online to access it? Because every now and again when I try to access a DLC map from my recent maps list I get a message saying that it's from a different version of Halo 3. Can't work on my map if I can't ****ing load it. Friggin' bullshit if you ask me. I hate this craptastic little circle of bullshit you have to go through with this whole MS/XBL/Bungie relationship. Only 100 custom content items, can't access your stuff unless you're hooked up to the internet, matchmaking is about as good at matching opponents as a blind person is at basketball, the playlists are ****ing garbage (thanks Shishka, you lazy *****), I'm still not even sure why I'm a Bungie pro member because it's hardly worth it...I mean, don't get me wrong...if it weren't for custom content I wouldn't play Halo 3 any more, no way, no how. But it's still a flawed system. Bungie makes the big bucks. MS makes the big bucks. Why don't they act like it? ****! I'm on the same account, with the same hard drive, and on the same X-Box I've had for my entire Halo 3 career, if you will. Yet I still can't access my custom maps (or even the DLC maps in their original form for that matter) unless I'm wired. Why god dammit, why?