ok well i have always noticed that i have played about 2 thousand more custom games than random people i play with, i have about 400 ranked and 400 social but 3300 custom, also i noticed some of my closest freinds online have played around 2000-2700 custom games but people i just randomly meet and play with have about 700-1000 of each type of game. I am a captin grade 3 with 370 exp and 21 skill in lone wolves. Just wondering how many custom games vs matchmaking games have you played
Well I always play a good warmup in custom games so that I am ready for matchmaking, and depending on how i play on the custom game map determines what I play in matchmaking. For example if i beast out on sniping, then Im playing either swat or snipers. But yes I love playing custom games with my friends any day.
Ranked: 470ish Social: 630ish Customs: 1300ish I'm a Major Grade 3 with skill 31 is Team Swat and 637exp.
According to Bungie.net, I have played 1956 games of matchmaking, and 6114 Custom games. I spend a lot of time in customs, sometimes just jumping around new maps that I've downloaded just to see how they are on first glance, or Forging. If I'm in matchmaking, 90% of the time it's Big Team Battle or Squad Battle, for the random shenanigans, of course.
Ranked: 703 Social: around 786 Customs: 1869 I love Custom games. MM just gets so boring. Custom matches are always so much fun to play!
Ranked: 300ish Social: 700ish Custom: 1300ish Campaign: 60ish Matchmaking will usually consist of big team or double exp weekend. I rarely play ranked any more. Ish.
Total Games 5981 Matchmade Games 3758 Custom Games 2161 I usually will play 2 - 3 customs when I get on, to get warmed up.
I've played almost 1200 matchmade games, and 3400 custom games. I'd play lots more customs, but almost none of my friends have a customs party going at once, so its almost always me just forging.
Total Games 3926 Matchmade Games 265 Custom Games 3615 I really can't stand too many people in matchmaking. I used to do Lone Wolf and Big Team when I started playing, but am now strictly custom infection games. Only time I play slayer is in LAN parties, so I can see the reaction of the players I frag. I probably spend more time in Forge than I do in Matchmaking.
I mainly play customs now, because my live account expired. But back then, I mainly played Matchmaking, simply because of the lack of XBL friends that enjoyed custom games.
<3 Customs. I've seen a guy who played 81,000, but that's custom boosting... Anyway, -Total Games: 3683 -Matchmade Games: 925 -Custom Games: 2753