Skybox Sticky, S.S. v3: Skybox Sticky Slayer map on sanbox in the sky bubble. 2 - 16 players. grenade regenoration and grenades scattered on map. 8 people man cannon in to the level from the outside. pistols only. points can only be scored by sticks. Download Map Download Gametype Description: People Spawn in man cannon Main map view Grenades scatered, bubble sheild in the middle Have fun! TAGS.
hey mait, you need to save the pictures to your pc then upload to photobucket or imageshack then copy the [img ] [ /img] link then paist. or go to or something like that and they do it all for you.
actually, its Just search your gamertag and you'll get all of your screenshots. Click on the one you want to use, then scroll down to the BB code (the first one) and copy it into your post.
I've been looking for a stick arena that isn't just a big square. I dislike killballs in maps. Especially if they aren't used for anything. I find them to be just big, annoying noise makers. I will download this and try it out with a buddy or two. (Totally disliking the fact that you're using my name, too).