Well presented video with a kid from hidden master and vanishing kid, pretty sweet if you ask me. Now if only they released a guide ;l
pretty sure the part where they r both camo-ed may be fake, but if its real omg probably took footage from mm in beginnning and end, and then middle was customs.
I dont think the hiddenmasters would do a stunt like that, it would hurt their reputation. Im looking on glitching sites now for information on this..
If you check the names, the people in the video are the same in the lobby so unless they got matched up in a lobby with there friends without the language glitch and then recorded some custom footage, its real or maybe they found some random people who were in private chat and convinced them with text messages to help them.
Hopefully thats real, that was pretty sweet. If this is real, hopefully there will be a guide out soon.
When you posted that comment couldnt you tell yourself to STFU AND GTFO!? HLG, Actually takes skill and you have to be stealthy, its all a mind game. The first person to think of it wasnt just goin AHUHUH IT WILL BE FUNNY TO HIDE IN A GAYM TO WIN! (BANG CLUB ON HEAD). They were thinking how can they outsmart the other team and use their skills to win the game, sort of like MLG but with more jumping and more mind games On topic: Yes it would be pretty cool to learn this. On the 3rd comment page or so it actually says a small tutorial by someone else (well their theory behind it) but I cant test it, xbox dead ;l
i still don't believe it, they probably didn't do it. maybe its like the tree glitch (lol) 3 peeps behind a tree i don't believe this so ya.
I actually posted a link to the proof, I think its got actuall videos from ingame on the page, I dunno but on the right its gotsome attached images and vids..
What the **** are you on? It takes skill to use a cheat and stay in active camo? Oh yea. Takes a ton of skill.
You said they did it because they suck at halo, when infact they were using HLG which is more skillfull than mlg in manyways, it uses mlg and uses jumping skills many a time and mind skills to outwit the other players, so by saying they suck at halo then wtf's the matter with you?
If what was in that video was "skill," than everyone I've met has leet skill. Because as far as I'm concerned, jumping around corners, and not being able to detect an enemy on your radar, was not skill. You're an idiot for believing that. Since I bet they couldn't win a match on their own, they used that cheat. Oh yea, it's smart, but it's cowardly, and unskillful.
I didnt say they showed their skill in that video but why dont you just search hiddenmasters in youtube and you will see what I mean by skill. Oh and would that trick have been found if it wasnt for a msart person using their knowlage of the physics engine and game coding to work out this? That knowlage doesnt come without the skill.. Now stop flaming the video or get out the thread..
What did you think I was talking about? Seriously, before you jump to conclusions, think. I'm not talking about them as a whole retard, I'm talking about the idiots in the game. How many times have I told you, it's cheating. You're defending a cheat. Let's let the soccer players pick up a ball, and throw it into the goal, shall we? Yes, I have ALREADY admitted it was smart, but it's cowardly, and foolish. I don't care if you hide the whole game, play how you want, but with cheats, you should burn. It may be smart, but it is most certainly NOT wise. You prove your stupidity farther here. Smart is mental. Skill is physical. You can't use skill to get smart, otherwise every NBA player would have an IQ of over 150. Vice-versa.
This. is. fake I've seen it many times before. They did it in a custom game, but recorded the footage of them in the pre and post game lobbies in MM. They made it so that they had good camo after x seconds.