why dont bungie have any comon sence??

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Crymzen, May 16, 2009.

  1. Crymzen

    Crymzen Ancient
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    seriousley..they are happy enough to put AR's in a team BR's game but not a br in team slayer??? so bungie will cater to the poeple who will charge you with the over powerd spray n pray weapon.

    its not jsut that but seriousley how much common sence does it take to know that you need a BR in an objective game..im sick of getting into situations where i spawn with an AR and am nowhere near any Br pick ups so i cant do a damn thing about they guy running our flag becuase by the time i do pick up a BR that guy has caped it

    its just plain stupidity.so basicaly bungie want it to be if they get your flag you havnt got a hope in hells chance of stoping them becuase we r eveil and rule the world and dnt care what u think or have to say

    end of rant
  2. Pedobear

    Pedobear Ancient
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    The title of this thread REALLY brought down the relevance of your argument... "why dont bungie have any comon sence??" How about, "i dont have enuf comon sence to spell comon sence"?
    #2 Pedobear, May 16, 2009
    Last edited: May 16, 2009
  3. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    I'm pretty sure there is Multi flag BRs in Team objective, is there not? Also, playlists like MLG, Squad Battle and Big Team Battle all have objective games with BR starts.

    If you find yourself in the situation of a run away and the only weapon at hand is an AR, try shooting in bursts, the shots become more concentrated and hit the target more than they would than spraying it at the enemy, and you always have the pistol if all else fails and you you need to get the flag.
  4. Ethrock

    Ethrock Ancient
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    You should learn how English works before you start trying to off other peoples ability to take a little common sense. For example, comon sence, right in your title, is two words in a row misspelled, as part of a grammatically incorrect sentence, 'why dont (misspelled) bungie (should be capitalized) have any comon sence??' (as per above, no need for second question mark).

    It SHOULD have read;

    'Why doesn't Bungie have any common sense?'.

    There are BRs available in Team Slayer. Slayer is a Halo Classic, hence AR spawn. However, BRs is a new mode to Halo 2 - 3, and it is found that many people are unable to use the BR in the wide variance of combat situations it is suitable for, such as close range. Hence reliance on the AR.

    If you know how to four shot, you can defeat an AR. Strafe + Four shot, I do that all the time.

    Now, as for Bungie not caring what we think or say. How about you spend five ****ing minutes reading any of Bungie's posts on their website, their weekly updates. How about you look at the three games that they toiled day in and day out to provide for you, then to add 9 extra maps to Halo 2, and 4 seperate map packs for Halo 3 (Cold Storage, Heroic, Legendary, Mythic), not to mention an upcoming campaign expansion.

    Do you overlook the absolute feedback related changes? How about the conversion of Snowbound to Boundless, removing those damned shield doors and the capabilities of Ghost Spamming noobtards.

    What about the additions, balancing, removal and swapping of weapons, vehicles, shield doors, glitches and the like all throughout matchmaking.

    These people released Part one of a series years ago, part two years ago, and part three well over a year ago, and they are STILL working their asses off day in and day out for the community. Half of which spits it back in their face with useless, irrelivent and noob complaints about how they think the gameplay should always cater their preferences, and not attempt to satisfy the majority, such as yourself.

    Bungie does a HELL OF A LOT more for us than any other game company I've ever dealt with. For only one of it's series. That my good sir, is dedication. That, is worthy of respect and thanks.

    Lastly, that sir, is the end of my rant.
  5. Crymzen

    Crymzen Ancient
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    thanks for clearing it up..it allways helps to have a better understanding..and to the guy thatg made fun of my spelling you are pathetic it snot my fault im dysleksik

    i do understand that bungie does alot for thier community..its just there is stuff that can be sorted out with hardley any effort.putting a BR in objective is a smart choice even if they put the AR as the secondary weapon like they do in team BR's it would jsut make things alot simpler and make the game more fun..n yeah this is my preference but its not just mine..everytime there is an AR start the entire lobby gets pissed off about it

    i do mapreciate what bungie have done..setting swatguns to skip after veto was a very smart move becuase a whole lot of people that i no were ready to just quit swat alltogether becuase of its consistancy
    #5 Crymzen, May 16, 2009
    Last edited: May 16, 2009
  6. Ethrock

    Ethrock Ancient
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    Dyslexia or not spell checkers are freely available.

    However, ARs offer unique gameplay from BRs, having them as start in some games keeps things mixed up. Simple as that.

    Also your original post showed utter disdain for Bungie and their behavior and ideas. Hence, the post you received.

    If you can't use an AR effectively, or swap to a Pistol and utilize it effectively, you should practice more with these weapons.
  7. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    So wait, judging by your sentence and what I have bolded, you work for Bungie?
  8. Crymzen

    Crymzen Ancient
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    no it was one of those impresionist sentances if i wroked for bungie id be a very happy man indeed..althought theres no chance of that ever hapening as im a dumbass
  9. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    That's what happens when you make a weapon capable to do nearly everything.
  10. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Here's an idea. Spam grenades, get creative, mongoose splatter, use a pistol or whatever, there's more than one weapon on the map you know. There's no reason to say, "WTF why ddont ii have a BR? OMg were goina loseee", just because you don't have a certain weapon. It doesn't put you at a disadvantage either, because everyone else starts with the same weapons.

    And for christs sake, take the time to spell properly. You do know you can just right click the underlined text to change the spelling right?
  11. Mastar

    Mastar Ancient
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    Not everyone has a hardcore MLG play style.
  12. Crymzen

    Crymzen Ancient
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    god whats with all the ranting about my damn spelling i told u why i have trouble spelling and sorry but ive only been a member 2-3 days i didnt know you could use a spell check
  13. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    They mean type it in word and then use the spell check there, then copy paste it here.

    Anyway, They have a lot of common sense. One, there is slayer BRs and Team Slayer BRs. I have played them lots of times.

    There's definately BRs in objectives also (multi flag brs).

    And if you get AR starts, its not difficult to find a BR or carbine. You just have to know where all the spawns are. If you can't find one, try to deal without it. It makes the game harder and requires more tactics not giving you a BR every time you spawn.
  14. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    You can try not rushing into battle with your AR, and if you get caught in situations where a guy is heading towards you or the objective, give him a belly full of lead, and a pool of their own blood to drown in, because that is essentially what the AR is for - close quarters combat/spraying. Grenades help too, toss a grenade at an enemies feet, and finish them off with a short burst of your AR.

    But really, on most if not all maps have plenty BR spawns. They aren't hidden too, just keep an eye out for them.
  15. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    I'm just gonna leave this thread. It's too weird.

    Bungie, although are no impressing currently on the custom maps front, are easily the most dedicated games company out there.

    Not everyone whores the Battle Rifle.
  16. Ethrock

    Ethrock Ancient
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    You could use Word, Firefox has a built in spellchecker now, and there are dozens upon dozens of free spell checkers.

    The spelling is getting ranted on because you don't just spell bad, u spll lik this nd sumtims its hrd to reed whut ur sayeen.

    All in all though, I still say Bungie's done pretty good, and it still comes down to you are complaining about a weapon, which is in the game, and balanced. The AR can be out done. I do it with Magnums or BRs plenty of times.
  17. Plasmy

    Plasmy Ancient
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    I'm sorry but this thread is just fail. You need to learn proper grammar and English before you come onto this site and post.

    People here are very watchful for how you say things and if you can spell simple words like "People" right.

    But I agree with you, AR just isn't the weapon for a BR's game. But if someone tries to charge you with an Assault Rifle, simply run back and make sure to 4-shot them. Ensuring a quick kill without you dying.

    -Plasmaterial =)
  18. Joco3000

    Joco3000 Ancient
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    You should be thankfull that you spawn with a AR. It is perhaps the most balanced weapon in the game.
    There are other weapons that could of been used, such as a Plasma Pistol or Sentenal Beam. The gameplay would be Drasticly different for each weapon you spawn with, tactics adapt and kill are different.
    A rockets game plays differently to a BR's game, and a Splazers game is different to that.
    Just remember that next time you try to rant about weapon spawns, AR>PP
  19. Kilr0n

    Kilr0n Ancient
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    I don't mind AR starts, I just hate having AR secondary on a BR game type. If it's called team BRs then it should be BRs. That would be like playing Team Swords and having a rocket launcher as secondary. I think it is pretty stupid.
  20. Resix

    Resix Ancient
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    Sorry this is off topic but people who are dyslexic know how to spell it right. You are just too lazy to make sure words are spelled correctly. All it takes is that extra 30 seconds to make your post better. Also dyslexia is not an excuse to have badd grammar or spelling there are many succesful people out there who have dislexia and have learned how to compensate for it.

    And one more thing you had every thing spelled right in that sentence until you typed dyslexia which makes me think that you indeed do not have dyslexia.
    #20 Resix, May 18, 2009
    Last edited: May 18, 2009

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