Basically it would be two apartment blocks that would stretch up into the sky. They could be in excess of ten storeys high and would work with most gametypes. To stop people camping the ground doorways to each building I would make an external 'emergency' metal stairwell up the side of the buildings. I may also include some wreckage that gives a third access point to a higher level on each building. I wouldn't bother building in the skybubble, only on the main level of Sandbox. Thoughts?
I think it would be a good snipers game. But. It would be hard to pull off, unless used glitched budget. Good luck!
I always wanted a map like this. You could make it sorta like that one COD4 map where everyone snipes from the two buildings that face each other (name?). Of course, it would be larger and give more options. As for ways to traverse between the two, you could use bridges across, teles, mancannons, and vechiles. I would use all of these to spice it up.
adressing the issue of players completely ignoring the map and running around on the dunes will be the biggest obstacle. also, it sounds too big for the budget. good luck though, i would play it if it works right.
oh boy that would take alot of objects haha. Hopefully someone could pull this feat off. If you do that I will be very impressed.
True. I think it would be better to embrace this then to try to block it off. Try making the dunes playable. I would have the building near the dunes. If you prefer using a different level of Sandbox due to this, listen here. The crypt would erase this problem, but it could not be as elaborate due to the size, especially height. The sky bubble would remedy this, too, but it would change the map's style and would devour your resources for floors. If I had to pick one, it would be the crypt. Now, if you absolutely have to have it on the main level, which might be the best idea, then you should embrace the dunes as said above. Have the buildings at a distance. Make the dunes playable by making them paths rather than boundaries. Of course, the lasers would still be there.
This would be epic, but use alot of objects, so you would probably not be able to make great aestatical features except the buildings itself. If I were you, I would make the stories not 1 block high, but somewhat smaller, so you save some objects from the outer walls. Good luck! Edit: after reading What's A Scope 's idea of the dunes and the crypt, I had an idea; make the two skyscrapers in the dunes, and block off only some of the lasers, so you could go to the other tower without being shot, but cannot venture out into nothingness.
10 stories high is....high. Why not just 4 stories high with plenty of windows? You will save a lot of resources and gameplay won't suffer.
Very nice idea. The map from cod4 is called Bloc. Maybe make each building 3 or 4 stories so you could add some cover in the middle. Great Idea though, hope it works out.
I was thinking more of the glitch on CoD 4 that let's you climb the apartmant buildings on that map using the oldskool gametype. It's so fun just trying to get up there, y'know? Although I may find your suggestion logical when I get down to forging a 10-storey building.
This would be amazing.. Their are NO maps like this, the style of play for a map like this would be ENTIRELY different than any other map. It'd be sweet for CTF and it would even be similar to Boarding Action from halo 1.. given that they're side by side.. perhaps you could have balcony's so people could jump from building to building from there or the rooftop's. I would love to have a map like this, it'd mix things up alot. It'd be very interesting.