Guess who's back? Steve is mg: Hey everyone, you might remember me from like last year ... a lot of those people have most likely left by now. I've only really been on here a couple of times since then but to be honest I've missed the community, the only thing I haven't missed is people acting zup3r l33t m0dish. Since I'm back I thought I'd offer a service to the community: HD 1080i or 720p Capturing - 1 Free Clip per person - You must have atleast 10 posts - Please only send CLIPS not full films for now. ___________________________________________________ Montages If you'd like a montage captured, in hd I'm definately taking offers on this. Offer and I'll consider. ____________________________________________________ Send me an xboxlive message, with the name of your clip. Also post here your gamertag, and also the name of the fileshare clip. Please do not say here: ADD THIS GAMERTAG AND CAPTURE NUMBER 2 I will not be adding anyone as it's way to difficult to keep typing in gamertags. ______________________________________________________ Thanks and I hope this works out. Steve P.s Once your clip has been captured I will upload it to and then I'll PM you the link. Comment here after
Awesome Service Awesome service you got here Steve. I wanted to get some videos converted to post on the front page of two of my recent map posts: Coventry and Attic My gamertag is Makisupa 007. And the vids are in slots 10 and 11. If you can even do one of these I would be very grateful. Thanks!
Hey man, Thank you so much, I would just like one clip please. GT: L A X R Slot: 11 "MY SNIPER KIDS"
Actually Im interested in making a montage. I have 30 clips exactly, not on my FS yet, that i wanna make and edit to go onto Youtube. Im not sure what i could offer, but maybe we can talk about it? GT = Black Theorem, or you can PM me here. Thanks!
Hey guys I really don't mean to be nasty, but could you please re-read the thread and then you'll get what I'm saying. I need you to send me a message on xbox live so I can view your profile easier. Typing in gamertags annoys me... Sorry, Thanks