Get on the Vehicles Alpha Zombie traits: Shields: Normal Damage: Normal Dmg Resistance: 2000% Weapons: Lazer/Rockets Speed/Gravity: 300%/50% Zombie traits: Shields: Normal Damage: Normal Dmg Resistance: 1000% Weapons:Rocket/Sniper Speed/Gravity:300%/50% Time Limit: 5 minutes. Instructions: Zombies, blow stuff up (no lazer on ground vehicles). Humans, Run! In this game we sell two kinds of ghost... Raw Ghost... And Fried Ghost... Ok now these are the starting points... Humans Zombies Get the Gametypes! Gametype: : Halo 3 File Details Map: : Halo 3 File Details NOTE: I'm making a remake on sandbox(Expect it soon)
what even is the map? is it just humans trying to survive zombies shooting rockets and lazers? if so, not very original at all, and is there any way the humans can win? cuz thats no fun at all, and since its on sandtrap, all of the underground places should be blocked off so vehicles wont just sit in there.
its actually pretty good i think i would take out the hornets because zombies have rockets/snipers so it'd be tough to kill them. i actually like these maps gives the zombie a a chance to kill humans i have 1 question though, how many splaters would it take to kill a zombie?
To answer Hayabusas question i believe its 3 or 4... And to rewib the point of the game is'nt to win and im changing the gametype so you have like 5 lives. Also, this is just my first map so i didnt expect it to shoot off like Blackheart or any of those others.Lastly, the hornets are there for people who want to try to kill zombie, which a hornet does pretty well.