The special post caught my eye, but your spelling let you down a bit. You might have wanted to feed that through a spellchecker before you posted it. Ruins maps are really hit and miss and this one looks more miss than hit I'm afraid. It looks like you just threw stuff about in forge. When you're building a collapsed building, you have to try and visualise what an intact version and what it would look like after collapsing. This will help you. Also: - Why would the military bomb a city while they were within its confines? I know, it's the crypt, which leads me to my next question... - Why did you build it in the crypt? It would have been much more suited to the middle area. So the map might be fun, but it makes no sense really.
Well i was thinking it would be more like in cloverfield where the military had n o choice and no time to get their units out and thought there was no hope for them anyway I made it in the crypt because if i didn't than i would run out of objects quicker because i would have to build barriors on all sides but the crypt has walls. The crypt is also much more gloomy than the upper level and i wanted my map to have that sort of feel to it i hope this answered your question. And make a video of it or just record it and show it to me