Fallout 3: Anchorage

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Orange, May 17, 2009.

  1. Orange

    Orange Ancient
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    Today i bought operation anchorage and went into it and finally finished it. I then went into the armory and took some random weapons then droped some because i couldn't carry all of it(i droped a flamer and tesla helmet,and some mines) then when i took stealth armor the brotherhood outcasts started killing me and i was forced to reload from when you fight the chinese dude.

    BTW When i won anchorage i didnt kill him i did speach challenge, If any1 knows an easy way 2 kill him please tell, and i have about 120 hp left
  2. ABigDumbOgre

    ABigDumbOgre Ancient
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    Try shooting his sword out of his hand. If you cant immediately backpedal around in a circle while shooting him. Eventually he will go down.

    Oh and the Brotherhood is supposed to attack you in case you were wondering, it isn't a glitch.
  3. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    If you do the Speech challenge, he kills himself. I say this because I'm confused about what you did at the speech challenge.

    Also, if you aren't in the base, you could probably backtrack to a health dispenser.

    Or just go VAT crazy and shoot his sword and then his head.

    Correction, only 3 of them should.
  4. Orange

    Orange Ancient
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    I did do the speach chalenge then he died the first time .
    So why does the brotherhood attack you, can you stop them or if you leave and come back will they still attack
  5. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    It's just their way, they disbanded from the east coast Brotherhood of Steel because they stopped collecting technology. The Outcasts are there to collect tech and to get the tech they need you. So, some of the Outcasts let you take some of the tech to get to the tech in the first place but some of the Outcasts, the 3 that attack you, don't like that.

    Just a simple disagreement on their part.

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