Heroic DLC Mlg rat's nest

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by iMONKEY, May 2, 2009.

  1. iMONKEY

    iMONKEY Ancient
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    I blocked off the track around the map so there is no way out. The game types that work best are MLG TS and MLG narrows CTF. The power weapons on the map are snipers and rockets.

    door on the left leads to the side hall ways on map. top door on the left leads to sniper spawn

    hall that leads to side hall way and back of the bases
    teleporters in side hall goes to blue teleporter, two of them so that its harder to block
    sniper spawn
    below sniper spawn looking at blue base
    rocket spawn
    mid bridge looking from rockets
  2. Beeny95

    Beeny95 Ancient
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    Aproved, I think this works very very well. 4.999999/5, I would of given you 5/5 but i personaly find teleporters messy and gimicky. Find another way instead teles and sdtraight 5/5. I mean I might be wrong but what OFFICIAL MLG map has a teleporter in?
  3. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
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    I've been wanting to do this for a while. Just blocking off the circuit and making something like this. Very nice idea. I agree with Beeny, though. It just looks like an easy get away from enemies, encouraging runaways, and maybe a ninja on the other side. Aside from that, it looks very smooth and like it plays well.

  4. Icedogd44

    Icedogd44 Ancient
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    this is such a great idea! i never thought of that. but i would take the teleporters out. but i cant wait to see a v.2 of this map. 4/5
  5. xPsychZerox

    xPsychZerox Ancient
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    So are you trying to say that he stole your map or idea? Because if so, first off, he didn't steal it and second off, his is way cleaner an better. Plus what you posted is spam. You need to give criticism about the map or say something good about it.

    Any ways, this looks very good for a rats nest map (which I don't normally care for rats nest maps). But like every person stated above me, remove the teleporters. Otherwise this is definitely a 4.9/5 good job

    DA MAN CANNON Ancient
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    i was not saying he stole it i was saying that my map was similar and mine has a lot more too it than his he just blocked off a few walls and added some weapons. mine cut off the middle opening by making some hallways the one i made isnt perfect because i was still new to forging. and yes i agree his looks more polished but thats because he only add a few walls to block off the outside and thats it. oh and to the creator of this map i like the map i thought making a map in the middle of the map was a really good idea( thats why i made one). i was yelling at the other guy for saying yours looked better because even though it looks verywell done it doesnt have much too it to call it a brand new map. i give it a 3/5
  7. Icedogd44

    Icedogd44 Ancient
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    i played this with my friend and alot of the game was around the teleporters and we just waited 4 each other on the other side. they slow the game down and MLG is against slowing the game down. besides that is real fun to play!!! i would also take out the rockets because they are way to powerful on a small map like this. and you should only have 1 sniper on this, im not sure if there was to but i think i had one at the same time my friend did.
    #7 Icedogd44, May 2, 2009
    Last edited: May 2, 2009
  8. iMONKEY

    iMONKEY Ancient
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    i think if you played a 4v4 instead of a 1v1 the game would go a lot faster but i see what you mean i also see the rockets being too powerful
  9. BatteryIncluded

    BatteryIncluded Ancient
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    Xyience... FAIL.
  10. iMONKEY

    iMONKEY Ancient
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    thanks for all the feed back the teleporters i think would have to stay because i allows a flank
  11. Taco Slay3r

    Taco Slay3r Ancient
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    When i first saw this i thought " Oh great! someone is trying to add vehicals to MLG!" But then I saw this and it was the best take at removing the track from rats nest that i have seen. I would say that either have 1rocket and 1sniper, or just one power weapon and an os/invis.
  12. LDee

    LDee Ancient
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    You clearly known MLG since Halo 3, most of the popular Halo 1 and 2 MLG maps had teleporters. Cold Storage was a contender for MLG V6 but didn't make it.

    Anyway OT map looks pretty good seen few ones like this before too. Will DL later.
  13. henny hen

    henny hen Ancient
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    looks like i cool map i'll probably download it, i get what your saying about the teles kinda but if you connected the two bases with out them it would be even better i think. in all i give it a 4/5 like every on else
  14. i Eat Bullets 4 dinner

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    I dl it play a 2v2 on it and it played awsome except for the teleporters. you should make a v2 with none or just make it so that the other team cant camp next to them by making a narrow walkway.anyways besides that i love this map. 4/5
  15. 12 inch winner

    12 inch winner Ancient
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    wow i think this is the first mlg map i have seen on rats nest and its actually pretty good at that! im gonna give it a 5/5 because i know how hard it is forging on maps like this.
  16. HezbollaHector

    HezbollaHector Ancient
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    No you fail, Xyience is a custom user created map that was never an official MLG map. It was never even considered for MLG. By your logic i could say my map Archaic (featured aswell) is an official MLG map, which its not.

    Also this has been done before by Tak at the MLG forge forums. No offense but his version is substantially better because it includes the sniper spawn and the race track area around it into the map with the hallways that lead out there.
  17. iMONKEY

    iMONKEY Ancient
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    #17 iMONKEY, Jul 16, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2009

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