I've not been around for a little while cuz I've taken a break from Forging to actually play the game for a bit. A few weeks ago I got a game of Team BRs on Snowbound and the game started to lag. There were the usual people jumping around and I think I walked through some walls every now and then. Then, a few minutes into the game, it all blew up. Literally. 800 Nades. To view the unedited clips without the music and interstitials, here it is from my perspective and here it is from his. For the lazy, basically pipe tunnel explodes in a fury of lagging grenades. Somehow I get pushed through the inferno and smacked in the face for my efforts! Bizarrely, as the lag spike hits my BR's clip reloads without the animation. The game file then breaks and resets to my first person view, whichever angle I viewed it from. I really should have kept this game video after capturing it! Thought I'd share with you guys