Sandbox Rustic

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by King 10011, May 17, 2009.

  1. King 10011

    King 10011 Ancient
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    "Help the Conveyor and the Conveyor will help you.."

    2-8 players

    Rocket x1 (2 shots) 60 sec respawn
    Brute shot x2 (6 shots each) 20 sec respawn
    battle rifle x4 (2 spare clips each) 30 sec respawn
    Gravity hammer x1 45 sec respawn
    Mauler x2 ( 1 spare clip each) 30 sec respawn
    SMG x2 ( 2 spare clips each) 30 sec respawn
    Plasma rifle x2 30 sec respawn
    Flare x1 60 sec respawn
    Regenerator x1 60 sec respawn
    Energy Drain x1 60 sec respawn
    Bubble Shield x1 45 sec respawn
    Overshield x1 120 sec respawn, place at start=no

    Conveyor weapons

    Needeler x1 (2 spare clips) 30 sec respawn
    Energy sword x1 30 sec respawn
    Sentinal beam x1 30 sec respawn
    Carbine x1 (2 spare clips) 30 sec respawn

    This Brute facility was used to smelt scrap into weapons. When the ODST's came in and took over, something was wrong... The facility was ALIVE. The large rock doors shut and soon every ODST was starving. The old broken conveyor started up and provided the ODST's with better weapons. The starving ODST's turned into cannibals and were soon fighting each other over who controlled the conveyor. This is they're ending... Kill or be killed.



    Overview different view

    Red room (Gravity hammer spawn)

    Rocket hall

    Help the Conveyor

    And the Conveyor will help you

    Left hallway

    Right hallway

    -Less power weapons
    -Took off effects
    -Fixed conveyor (It jams rarely now)
    -Put up weapon clips and respawn times.
    -Took out most power weapons from conveyor
    -Put more pictures up
    -Harder to escape map

    Special thanks to:
    Unsighted Milk, for helping with the conveyor
    Blackjak28, for testing
    Sham Kapow, for testing
    Meetocarrot, for testing

    Thanks for reading

    In case you missed the download link

    #1 King 10011, May 17, 2009
    Last edited: May 17, 2009
  2. siberian w0lf

    siberian w0lf Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The conveyer, as well as the map around it, looks interesting. But, yu didn't explain how it works so I can't connent on it.
  3. PRS

    PRS Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks like a nice, small, fun cqb map. Can't get a good idea on what the map's about, maybe put more pics. There's too many power weapons, on this size of a map your power weapons should be maybe 1 rocket o 1 shotty. And at the gravity hammer place, are those blocks with the obelisks floating or on the ground, because if they're on the ground, ppl can camp with a power weapon and we don't want that to happen. There's alot of weapons, but it's good to mix it up a bit. Very nice use of the conveyor belt from pallet parade, even though it didn't turn out to well. Ill give it a 4.5/5 in asthetics and will rate the playability later when i downloadand play. Looks like a awesome map. Very nice job, King 10011. Keep forging!

    #3 PRS, May 17, 2009
    Last edited: May 17, 2009
  4. King 10011

    King 10011 Ancient
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    Thanks for the feedback

    Well there really aren't any places to camp in this map. The obelisks are off the ground. There only there for the Aesthetics. And I would have fixed the conveyor a little more but the money glitch messed up in the end. And about the power weapons... I'm a HUGE sniper user but my friends are power weapon lovers. I tried to incorporate both in this map...

    Thanks for the feedback
  5. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
    Senior Member

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    Hey sorry to rain on your parade but i have a map named rustic already. Rustic
    Edit: wow totally forgot about you map. LOL. It looks like it was forged pretty well. IMO i don't really like effects on maps bt maybe this could work. Idk i haven't played it so im not gonna criticize. I like the conveyor idea also. Everyone above me said basically what i was thinking so not much more i can add to this. Good work.
    #5 Rho Fs, May 17, 2009
    Last edited: May 17, 2009
  6. King 10011

    King 10011 Ancient
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    soo... do i HAVE to change the name?
  7. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
    Senior Member

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    Not neccisarily. Just letting you know. What i do is i search the forums for a map name that i want. If it comes up with no search result then epic win. If not thn i change it.
  8. Shlbamobinladen

    Shlbamobinladen Ancient
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    Props for making a conver belt. That in itself is good, but the whole random weapon thing and all those power weapons coming out seem to close to have good gameplay so i suggest maybe putting only the rocks there and scatter and get rid of some of the other weapons. Good try tho
  9. King 10011

    King 10011 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ok everybody! Thanks for the feedback. I updated many things and I took many of your suggestions and put them into the map.
    And the conveyor works much better now...

    Thanks so much guys!
  10. Unsighted Milk

    Unsighted Milk Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice 4.5/5! I love the conveyor and how it spits out several weapons. theres 1 flaw though you can easily get out.
    #10 Unsighted Milk, May 17, 2009
    Last edited: May 17, 2009

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