With a few minor tests completed, i am posting here, my map [as is the norm, i presume]. THE MAP PICS HERE ARE THE FIRST VERSION. THE MAP LINK IS THE SLIGHTLY UPDATED ONE. Its pretty open, and was designed that way. The gametype hasn't been finalized yet, but it is on its way. Its pretty much team slayer with probably 200% health. Its small too, so maybe 2v2 or 1v1. The newer version has little barriers along the back corners and front side of the bases to stop you falling off so easily. The thing i really want to know about though, is what you think of the shield doors in the middle. They were put there to stop you spawn killing across the map, but do they work as intended? Weapons BR x 4 spiker x 4 plasma rifle x 4 covie carbine x 4 Mauler x 2 energy sword x 1 plasma grenades x 4 Frag grenades x 4 Regenerator x 2 Red base overview - Blue base overview - Back of blue base - Back of red base - Central Pit - Across map view from blue base - Blue base overview - View from inside central pit - DOWNLOAD HERE Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
Looks pretty nice but I would like to see some action screenshots for some of the pictures. Some aligning of symmetry looks a bit uneven from each of the sides and geomerging looks a bit messy but I'd give it a 4/5, nice job.
Hmm not bad but looks quite small. It could use at least another way from base to base such as a bridge or tunnel.
This looks like a great team doubles map. It seems great, but the only things I dislike about it are: the lack of perfect symmetry, and the lack of BRs. I don't see any weapons besides the Mauler and SMGs at the bases. The sword might also be a bit overpowering, but I guess you balanced that out with the 2 Maulers at the bases. Overall, it looks decent, maybe you can add some actions shots so we see how it plays?
one thing i did not really like the shield doors in the middle maybe use something else. Otherwise it sounds like your updated version is a tad bit better so i hope you take this in cansiderastion for a v2.2. Great gameplay as well. I fond it workws best for two v 2
Did you even read his weapons list that he put up? It states all of the weapons on the map and how many of each. Learn to read before making assumptions. Anyways, I think this looks decent, but in your post you stated that the pictures provided were of the first version. If this is the second, then you should have pictures of the second version as well. Correct me if I'm wrong though. I might try and download this later. Can't right now though, I have too much maps on my fileshare and hard drive.
Alrighty guys, i dunno if anyone will read this, but i will take your comment/suggestions into account, and create a version 3! [btw, whats up with v2.2 or v2.5 and stuff? isn't it just v1 v2 v3 and so on?]
People use V2.2 and stuff to point out that only little things have changed: a weapon or two replaced/removed, one block's geomerge fixed, a wall placed so you can't get out, and so on. A second version (v2, v3, v4, ..) usually points that major overall changes were made: An entire hallway redone, more intense revision of the weapon layout, fixed spawns, and stuff like that. Sometimes one of both is worth it more than the other.
very nice team doubles map. lmao id love to take and 8v8 on this it would be caotic. good map tho, 4/5.