Coalescent: Download Coalescent Description: After Cold War II in the 2500s, nuclear warheads soon became obsolete and so did the need for nuclear weapons factories. Once shutdown, this radioactive warehouse was long forgotten until it's rediscovery in the middle 2600s by a band of refuges escaping the destruction brought about by The Covenant's invasion. This is an overhead view of the 'b sign' side of Coalescent. I had to split the screen shot into two separate images since the camera is not wide enough to take in the entire map. This is the second half of the 'b sign' side of the Coalescent overview. This is an overhead view of the 'a sign' side of Coalescent. This is also broken into two separate screen shots. This is the second half of the 'a sign' side of the Coalescent overview. This shows the inside of the central room between each base, on the 'b sign' side. This door was hidden from view in the previous images, as it is located on the far hallway running across the map, behind the building. This screen shot is of the doorway located at the other end of the hallway on the 'a sign' side of Coalescent. This is an alternative angle of the 'b sign' side of Coalescent. This is an alternative angle of the 'a sign' side of Coalescent. This is a picture of the hallway that runs parallel between each base, to the overshield. The overshield is in the same back hallway that i mentioned earlier. This is where the sniper is located on the 'a sign' side of Coalescent. There is another one behind the opposite b sign at the other base. This is a screen shot of the far hallway, which contains the overshield. This is just to show how the sniper tower would be most popularly used. The wall is just low enough to clearly shoot over, while still being high enough to duck under when you are in a tight situation. Weapons Summary 6x Battle Rifle 2x Carbine 2x Sniper 6x Frag Grenade 6x Plasma Grenade 1x Overshield Battle Rifle - The respawn time is set to 10 seconds. There are 2 extra clips. Carbine - The respawn time is set to 90 seconds. There are 2 extra clips. Sniper - The respawn time es set to 150 seconds. There is 1 extra clip. They are drop spawned as well. Frag Grenade - The respawn time is set to 30 seconds. Plasma Grenade - The respawn time is set to 30 seconds. Overshield - The respawn time is set to 120 seconds. A Few Personal Notes 1. I am about 95% sure that under NORMAL conditions (not MLG speed for example) it is impossible to get outside of this map. If anyone does however find a way out, please post the problem so I can try to patch it up the best I can. 2. As you may have noticed all of the weapon spawns are set to MLG standards yet this is not an MLG map. This is because I wanted Coalescent to be possible to play with MLG variants. However, the map plays better for non-MLG variants with normal (100%) speed. 3. Thank you for reading through this post and hopefully downloading Coalescent. Any feedback is welcome and I will probably come out with improved versions in the future. Download Coalescent
Looks pretty good. But I have to ask: Home come you interlocked some boxes and not others? For looks? Or did you get lazy? I would assume the first, but it's a bit odd.
This looks like a good map to play on with a few friends when infection gets boring. Stating what gametypes the map supports would be very helpful. As for the merging in some areas but not others. it is not necessary, you don't need to merge to make a good map. Overall i would give it a 4/5 because it is made well and looks like it plays well but it has no original or defining features. It's qued for download.
Its nice to see a foundry map again but I would of spent more time on Interlocking and Geomerging. Also I would make another step to get to the Sniper so you dont have to go the whole way round to get there. All together nice map 4/5 in my opinion
This map is very good, but I can't ignore the fact that someone who did interlocking so well throughout the rest of the map did not use it in some areas. I strongly recommend to just merge a few boxes, and try geomerging a little bit. It's not totally necessary, but this map has a very good layout and a lot of potential, and I think that you could really help yourself out if you took a little more advantage of the forging glitches that you have used well in parts of the map. I also noticed on one side in the screenshot with the blue sniper that it has a wall corner, and the other side does not have that interlocked wall corner. Is this just a mistake from spawning options, or did you forget to even that out? Overall great job, i recommend a v2.
The quote at the top is right it plays fantastic except i got spawn traped in the back open spot. Not really traped but if we spawned there it was an easy kill for the other team. So add something if possible to spawn safe. great gameplay otherwise.
I have spawns and objectives set up for every gametype, but I can't say how well some of them will play. I do know that slayer is very fun, especially playing a game of 1v1 or 2v2. Also, flag is kind of a fail I would assume because they can just run the flag right through the sniper hallway. Thanks for the download by the way. Thanks, and I don't know if it's easy to see in the pictures but you can hop up to the sniper from all sides. There is a merged door next to the angled block in the front and on the opposite side of the stairs there is a low box to jump up on. Thanks for the comment and yes that is a spawn issue, i'll go ahead and fix that. I think it's just that that it's not set to spawn off start, but I have the run time minimum set high enough so that it appears after a second. Yeah I know exactly what you mean. =( I'm so completely out of money and objects I was kind of at a loss of what I could do. I thought maybe I could merge a single box into the un-deletable walkway for cover, but I didn't have enough money for the teleporter pads to hold it down... Maybe in v2 I will have figured something out. Thanks for the download.
"This is a really good looking map overall. This map right now is a 4/5 IMO but could be better if cleaned up a bit. I like the ideal height of the snipe tower and overall the map has a good clean feel to it. As soon as i saw the unmerged mixed up with the merged boxes it did throw a quick red flag. Those are easy fixes to make it perfect." says former Green Bay QB Brett Favre.
I think you should interlock all your object. it would look a little bit more cleaner at some spots. But i like the layout. So overall it a 3.5/5