Some pics I took recently with my shiny new Security armor <3 This all happened on Sandbox and I wasn't really trying (it was all on accident), but I thought they looked cool. And some scarab pictures I took awhile back. Tell me what you think!
The first two pictures of Security are a little weak, considering there are no effects and it's just a Spartan holding a sword with Red lighting. The Scarab shots are pretty good, the first one would be an awesome render if it weren't for the little what-ever-you-call-it in the corner, and the second one made me laugh 'cause it looks like the Scarab is doing a little jig.
The ones with the spartan are rubbish but the scarab is good but theres a building sticking out in the corner.
Yeah, I tried to find a workaround, but to no avail. I think I have some more scarab pictures, but I can't seem to find them.
Yeah, the spartan ones are OK, but nothing special, the first looks pretty cool, but nothing more than that. Since you got them on accident it doesn't really matter, cause you weren't trying to take screens. The first scarab one is funny because it looks like he could be holding a sword or something. The second one is just awesome because it captures the essence of the powerful scarab. Overall, Nice :happy: