What Halo Character are you? Instrcutions: Asnwer the following, then find out what halo character, you are. Your answer sheet should be in the reply. example: B, B, D, A, D, E, the ( insert name of the character, you are here) Good Luck! Question 1: What would you do if all your renforcements were dead, and you were left to defend a small base, against a hoard of covenant? A) Try to hide B) Make a last heroic stand C) Get captured by the covenant D) Fight them off, one by one Question 2: What weapon do you kill with, the most? A) Some wimpy weapon, like the plasma pistol B) Any weapon you can use C) Assault rifle D) Energy sword Question 3: If you were to find an enemy, who was unarmed and stranded, would you... A) tell your guards, to capture him, maybe kill him B) Leave it be C) capture him, and find out what he knows D) Show no mercy Question 4: oh, no, the flood... A) Destroy the infestation, so that you can live B) kill what is attacking you, save your troops, and try to escape C) RUN, and fight too D) fend of the flood until you reach your objective Question 5: What would you rather travel by? A) a cruiser B) any vehicle, if it is helpful C) Warthog D) couldn't care less Question 6: If one of your troops was gunned down, you would... A) Show no sympathy, heck you don't even care, you are just happy you are alive B) tend to him, make sure whoever killed him is dead C) Get him/her to safety, and get a medic D) show sympathy, but move on Answers: If you picked mostly A), you are the Prophet of Regret. You are insensitive, cowardly, mean, and ruthless If you picked mostly B), you are the Master Chief. You stand for your friends, you are a skilled fighter, and will stop at nothing to destroy the enemy If you picked mostly C), you are Sargeant Johnson. You are a bold fighter, yet, you stand for your friends, and make sure they are ok. If you picked mostly D), you are the Arbiter. You are strong, courageous, and a virtuous fighter. you are kind to those that are on your side, but you don't show much emotion. ENJOY!
b b d d c d I'm the Abiter. Meh I always thought I was a kinda master prophet of johnson but I'm the arbiter.