EDIT: Can a Moderator please lock my thread. My problem has been solved. Thank you for your help guys =)
1.) Pinnacle is very buggy software, find an alternate. 2.) You can't use the song because it's protected with DRM-rights and therefore can only be used by the iTunes application with certain restrictions. You can't use songs you buy from iTunes in your videos, regardless of what editor you use.
That sucks... Looks like I am gonna have to find a torrent. Yay, viruses and trojans.... Thanks alot though. I forgot all about the DMV
Alright thanks. Hopefully I can find a DRM Ripper that is virus free. This gametype and map will be based off of L4D's survival mode. Once I get the video up and running I can post a thread about it on the Forge Discussion
EDIT:1) Pinaccle is not buggy. Sometimes it freezes up but that's usually caused by a **** graphics card. The software is fine and is one of the best out there. 2)Another reason to not buy them. I usually use iTunes, but due to this bug I now also use a less-than-legal site to get my music from so that it works. I use Pinnacle Studio 11. The music industry have shot themselves in the foot here witht his DRM thing. Also, watch what you say guys. Don't mention any names or risk an infraction for illegal discussion. PM me if you have any more questions about it Plasmaterial.
Thanks Fish, but I have got it all good. I got my part of the song that I needed and have posted my video up on youtube. My youtube Channel's name is H3Forge. Check it out guys!