hey, everybody this is my first good quality, NON RIPPED sig. I no more rip sig anymore and i am sorry for those i have tricked, This sig may not be that good, but i happen to like it a lot. so now further or due my new-NON RIPPED sig.......Spiderman!! Spiderman and know time to show you the render, and the render is the only thing i used, the back ground is made up of the render, i really like what i have made.. thank u, and please leave comment or tips, and please lets leave the ripping discution out of this thread, we have already solved the problem, so what do u think of my first good quality-NON RIPPED signature.....CnC
The image is too blurry in places, text is completely out of place, there is a balck line between the words that looks wierd...1/10
i actually like it a lot, i would give it a 9/10 but im the one that made it, i cant vote for something i made, well thanks 4 your comment anyway, anymore comments?
So you are admitting that you ripped sigs? As all of your sigs, don't go overcrazy with the blurring pen or whatever it's called.
Its not a one out of 10 don't worry. I would give it about a 5. The flow is way off and the blending and smudging can use work. I am so glad that you made your own sig though. Goodjob
Meh, the smudging isn't very good at all... and it's in places where it isn't necessary. Also you need to pick a different font, that one is not good for sigs at all.
Make the stock a little bit smaller so as not only his face is shown. Place the text nearer to the focal. Change the font. The effects are okay but kinda dull. Put some C4D's. Play with the gradient maps and photo filters to see if a particular effect goes well with your sig.
Well, I see you like the smudge tool...Just a tip, never, ever smudge the focal like you did here, to blend it with the bg is ok, but you just moved it around everywhere, even on the inside part. You don't want to ever do that, because it just doesn't look good. Now the font, and the text, try moving it closer to the focal and changing the color, opacity font ect. just experiment with it.
No, because he apologized before receiving one. It's like someone insulting another, then apologizes. Moderators won't necessarily infract those who admit they're wrong.