My First Image Map

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Arvas, May 16, 2009.

  1. Arvas

    Arvas Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well... I can't use this on the forums as my sig because its in HTML...

    but for those of you who don't know what an image map is, its basically an image sliced up where each "slice" will take you to a different link...

    The image I mapped is this:
    its Tool Artwork from the album 10000 Days

    In the map, the left skull will take you to My Sig Shop...
    The central face/head will take you to My Profile...
    And the right skull will take you to the Reviews Section...

    For those of you interested, heres the HTML code:
    <img src="" width="380" height="150" border="0" usemap="#map" />
    <map name="map">
    <!-- #$-:Image map file created by GIMP Image Map plug-in -->
    <!-- #$-:GIMP Image Map plug-in by Maurits Rijk -->
    <!-- #$-:Please do not edit lines starting with "#$" -->
    <!-- #$VERSION:2.3 -->
    <!-- #$AUTHOR:Owner -->
    <area shape="poly" coords="0,130,35,150,139,149,146,140,147,130,144,125,135,122,132,118,134,111,135,107,131,100,133,96,130,93,130,85,119,84,116,81,117,41,104,31,98,18,93,3,92,0,0,0,0,63" href=",161.msg2087/topicseen.html" />
    <area shape="poly" coords="138,149,242,149,236,137,236,127,239,124,249,119,251,113,248,107,250,100,249,97,251,94,250,87,253,83,261,84,264,80,264,42,275,34,283,22,286,8,289,0,93,0,104,30,118,40,117,80,119,83,129,83,130,86,130,93,134,96,132,99,135,106,133,116,135,122,144,125,148,130,147,139,143,145" href=",profile.html" />
    <area shape="poly" coords="243,149,345,149,357,136,379,130,380,0,290,0,282,23,277,32,269,39,265,41,264,81,261,85,253,85,252,87,251,95,250,97,251,100,249,107,250,112,249,120,238,126,236,128,237,135,241,142" href=",24.0.html" />
    Lol I actually had to zip it so the file host would take it... its a littlbe more than 1kb before I zipped lol

    Here's the download


    If a mod has to move this sorry, but i figured since it was meant to be a sig, it was graphics
    You have to download it because its an html document, just open it with ie, or firefox, or whatever web browserr you prefer...
    #1 Arvas, May 16, 2009
    Last edited: May 16, 2009
  2. RackemWillie77

    RackemWillie77 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey Apples, nice to see you posting some stuff here.
    It are pretty cool (even though it is just coding you did)
    You should also post the one that you corrected lighting and contrast
    on just for fun. Maybe you should make one that is your own art
    and then you'll be in business ;)
  3. Arvas

    Arvas Ancient
    Senior Member

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    XD yee... I just suck at coloring my own art... lol

    And this design is just soooo effin cool lol
  4. XX_Blivion

    XX_Blivion Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, pretty sick artwork, good band too

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