wtf? why would i do drugs...they already f---ed up my life because my mom over dosed on pills and my cousin go put into jail for trying to kill herself by over dosing on ya... drugs aren't for me.
I didn't say pills, I said weed because it is probably the healthiest illegal substance. Don't want this to turn into a debate though, we already have a thread for that.
Don't listen to the people telling you to smoke, my life is perfect without drugs. Why would yours be different. Also, drugs will make you get lower grades then normal, I'm a straight B student without study, and I don't do pot.
Shut-up Frag Man. I know you're all lies. Truth to tell, yes Radiant is correct. Drugs clog up your mind. But it does worse to your health than your brain.
I got 1 A*, 6 A's and 4 B's at GCSE with no real study, and I did smoke pot then and still do. Funny that. Drugs can affect grades, so can alot of things, including how smart you are to begin with. I wouldn't make blanket statements like that, they tend to come back and bite you in the ass. Not telling anyone they should smoke, not at all. I do, but that's my choice, to each their own. But I don't like high horses, not one bit.
It's a wonder how you aren't dead yet. At least I'll always be able to tell where you're located though.
How odd, every pothead in my school is a complete failure... I'm not trying to sound over exaggerated but really, all the potheads are failing horribly that I know. Also, you can't really prove that you have those grades... Although I believe you. Besides, I hate it when potheads try to rally more innocent people, I hate that so much.
Fair enough, not gonna deny that which you have seen with your own eyes. I'll admit that it can really affect grades in practice, but don't you think what's really doing the damage is a reliance on it? The same is true with alcohol, or any drug. Use is not the same as abuse, and it annoys me when people demonise it and spread abuse across the board as the whole truth. And you can't prove you have the grades you stated, although I do believe you. Is that really a pertinent point to bring up in a discussion like this? I'll admit I hate it when people who smoke pot try and pressure others in to it, either pushing it on someone who clearly isn't really up for it or misrepresenting the facts, that's out of order. But you know what else I hate? People labeling and demonising things they clearly have an emotional objection to as opposed to a logical one. 'Rally more innocent people', seriously? That could not be any more high and mighty or condescending towards anyone who smokes pot. We're not a bunch of corrupted people trying to tempt others to the dark side over here. Don't you think it's fair to present the facts as they are (scientific facts mind, personal experiences are all very well, and I won't deny yours as true, but they're not the same thing as scientific fact) and let people make up their own minds?
I dont know what ur private life is like but dont show it. If ur rich dont act like a spoiled brat. If you're poor um... just try to blend in. Dont act like a preggo and dont dont be all over people.
If you DONT want to experience DRUG related FUN in HIGH SCHOOL, then idk, join the play and drama club? They have a lot of fun without drugs in my school.
Excuse me sir but I believe you broke the possible. It's cause we do things logically here... (see: metres, Celsius, colour...) **** you... (unless you got a scholarship) I go to 5th best selective... **** yeah. Really? My school has lockers but you have to pay for them... $5 a year I believe... Neither Me too, I hate it Sucks to be you... what private school is this Btw? To OP: I don't know exactly what grade you're in due to your nonsensical lack of numbers, but I'm assuming it's around where I am... Difference is for some reason America decided to be annoying and make you change schools for no apparent reason, thus making you go through all the motions of moving to a new school (you know all the paranoia of "will the like me...") Well, when I last moved schools for some reason everyone was nice to me and my small group of friends (which I naturally fell into by the way) which is weird since we've picked on the weird yr 7's ever since... But on the other hand, if you are slightly visually attractive, have connections or something like that you'll be fine. Only piece of advice I can think of is don't pigeon-hole yourself a style yet (ie. Emo, Punk, Nerd...) Unless you're sure about it, because I've been known as stoner boy (to teachers as well for some reason...) ever since year 7 purely due to the fact that i listened to Bob Marley and was quite laid back... But yeah, leave yourself as a blank slate and evaluate your options and stuff... If that makes sense...
I heard they have great posture And no, there are other normal people who don't do drugs in high school(believe it or not) and if you don't feel comfortable doing drugs, then don't. Only pussies give into peer pressure.
Goddam Freshmans, I hate them. There all so much shorter than us higher ups. Not to mention stupid looking, At my school we have freshmans who look like, Leprechauns, Ewoks, T-Rex, Dogs, Mice. Stay below the radar of higher-ups but stay in a group and be pro-active within it and don't run. My school is pretty big but you don't need to run and freshmans don't realize it, they look like complete idiots.
That's funny, because all I ever hear is people are pussies for not doing drugs. Everyones a ***** then.