Unfortunately the people that were helping me weren't able to come through in the end. So I'm trying again and anyone who wants to help me out pick any of the maps below and tell me what you want to do. Blackheart(thread) My first and only sandbox map. A 1v1 map. Link If anyone would be willing to help me out it'd be much apreciated. Thnx
Buddy, you're on the wrong forum. This is to discuss forge, not display maps. That will be right here. On topic: I would like to see a video of Domain V2.5. It's a well done map, and it looks like there's a lot of unexplored parts of it. You don't necessarily need a capture card. You could record a video on Halo 3 and upload the video to your file share.
I have a vid on my share but I want it on the internet. P.S. Sorry about posting in the the wrong forum
If you bought Bungie Pro (not by getting map packs) there is a feature on Bungie.net that you can use to capture high quality videos from you fileshare and get it on your computer.
Just tried and I need more minutes aparently. It needs 9 and I only have 4. And it won't let me get more till next month aparently.
First off- Don't double post. Say you need help in your first post don't make another. Second- I have a capture card and would love to help. So you just need me to record gameplay or what?
Ya, nothing really special haha, just gameplay. I have some video for domain and blackheart if you want it.
Can do, my GT is KSI Dirty MaG( I just left KSI...) Send me the map varients and I will have them up!