Just yesterday i finished campaign on legendary, getting the achivements for legendary and heroic, which completed a total of 880 G out of the 1000 available, and 34 out ouf 49 achievements(i don't play lone wolves, or for meta-games), but I was supposed to get the Security shoulders then right? Well, I didn't, and another thing, if you go to my bungie account (link on sig), you'll see that it doesnt even say that i completed it on legendary, but only on normal. The weird part is, that right after i got the achievements, i went to change my armor perms, and the shoulderfs were available, but when i put then, it started to lag, and they dissapeared. Does anyone know why this happened, or how to fix it? thanks
There are MAJOR problems with security shoulders right now, bungie should really be working on fixing it, i don't know how they could have gotten it SO wrong.
so wait, how do you guys ven know about this? was it on an update? i usually just skim though them, so i wouldn't know...
Actually, no. The issue was the Elite Commando soldiers, which were supposed to be unlocked upon completion of the 'Killing Frenzy' achievement. However, this did not happen, so Bungie unlocked them for everyone with AU1. At this point, I really don't know how they unlock. My little borther has 28/49 and 610G in Halo 3, but has the Security Shoulders. Honestly, just keep unlocking the achievements. Also, sometimes they lock themselves again. Try hitting 'Armor,' then waiting a few seconds, and then try selecting. Who knows. All I know is, they'll definitely be unlocked at 1000/1000
i saw a thread at bungie (dont have the link) but there were lots of people complaining about this in several different threads... there was a guy who had all the achivements, but didn't have it ________ i also heard this might be a saved data corruption problem... that sounds bad, whatever it is ....lol __________ UPDATE: i now have 37/79 achievemtns with 910/1000 still no sec. shoulders...
Your profile has likely encountered the same problem that has plagued other halo players. There isn't much that can be done, other glitches have been reported for other armor permutations, and all I can say is too bad, you were just unlucky.
well at least its only one thing thats wrong Unlike gears, where each achievement had people who got it in half the kills, and people with double the requirement and still nothing. Also, remember to just keep restarting your xbox. Starting Halo without your prof and then signing in might help. Check the armor lists multiple times, because it does lag out sometimes. Also, you may have to hit 'A' on the shoulders even when it says 'Locked'