That's right folks, IGN posted a second teaser 5 days ago and none of us caught it. Here's the tantalizing video: now with actual footage! [media][/media] Thoughts? EDIT: Also, please see this thread or this thread for more. EDIT2: Just found the same video broken down by Game Trailers to show more new weapons. Conformed New Weapons: Primary: Colt AR-15 Steyr AUG FAMAS Ak-103 Secondary: Glock 22
I just jizzed in my pants I already saw the trailer, but every time I see it, I love my life a little bit more! I'm pretty sure you can play as a Canadian, because of the snow terrain, and the fact that they have confirmed multiple Canadian arms in the game I'm defiantly going to wait all night to get this!
Scuba level is gonna be cool, infiltrating some **** rebel/extremist/russian/terrorist hidout. Fun
ive seen a psg1 in concept art. they best put some more US modular weapons in the game and an SA-80. and the MGL-40 at lvl 55. lol
1. that's pretty pathetic, it's only CoD. 2. Snow so it must be Canada; -wait to be ignorant and retarded. --- Aside from that the game looks incredible from what is shown, I'd actually enjoy in-game footage but this is a good alternative. We can only wait to see how much has changed or if it's another waste of money.
I wish we could be Canadians. We could in CoD3, if I remember correctly. And yeah, I've watched it like 5 times now. Still amazes me. And this is the "pre-veal" trailer. The actual trailer is coming out May 24th. I'll be looking out for that.
I don't nkow about you guys, but the more I watch this the more I think OMG this looks awesome, but also the more I watch it the more I think that it's gonna turn into a James Bond.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 looks simply amazing, and the graphics are stunning. I honestly can't wait to play it.
Update fellas, found a neat-o video-breakdown showing new weapons. Modern Warfare 2 Video Game, GT Pop-Block: Gameplay Reveal | Game Trailers & Videos |
Im glad Infinity Ward has left the Call of Duty franchise. I think theyll do a better job on this game than any before.